Ansible roles
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39 lines
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- name: Create directories
file: path={{ item.dir }} state=directory owner={{ item.owner | default(seafile_user) }} group={{ | default(seafile_user) }} mode={{ item.mode | default(omit) }}
- dir: "{{ seafile_root_dir }}/tmp"
mode: 700
owner: root
group: root
- dir: "{{ seafile_root_dir }}/meta"
mode: 700
owner: root
group: root
- dir: "{{ seafile_root_dir }}/archives"
mode: 700
owner: root
group: root
- dir: "{{ seafile_root_dir }}"
- dir: "{{ seafile_root_dir }}/fuse"
- dir: "{{ seafile_root_dir }}/seafile-server"
- dir: "{{ seafile_root_dir }}/conf"
- dir: "{{ seafile_root_dir }}/ccnet"
mode: 770
- dir: "{{ seafile_root_dir }}/logs"
- dir: "{{ seafile_root_dir }}/pids"
- dir: "{{ seafile_data_dir }}"
mode: 770
- dir: "{{ seafile_data_dir }}/thumbnails"
- dir: "{{ seafile_data_dir }}/seahub"
- dir: "{{ seafile_data_dir }}/seahub/custom"
- dir: "{{ seafile_data_dir }}/seahub/cache"
- dir: "{{ seafile_data_dir }}/seahub/avatars"
- dir: "{{ seafile_data_dir }}/pro"
- dir: "{{ seafile_root_dir }}/backup"
mode: 700
owner: root
group: root
ignore_errors: True # So we can run when the fuse mount point is active
tags: seafile