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- name: Uninstall RPM
- graylog-server
state: absent
tags: graylog
- name: Install packages
- java-1.8.0-openjdk
- mongodb-org-tools
tags: graylog
- name: Download graylog archive
url: "{{ graylog_archive_url }}"
dest: "{{ graylog_root_dir }}/tmp/"
checksum: sha1:{{ graylog_archive_sha1 }}
when: graylog_install_mode != 'none'
tags: graylog
- name: Extract graylog archive
src: "{{ graylog_root_dir }}/tmp/graylog-{{ graylog_version }}.tgz"
dest: "{{ graylog_root_dir }}/tmp"
remote_src: True
when: graylog_install_mode != 'none'
tags: graylog
- name: Deploy graylog app
src: "{{ graylog_root_dir }}/tmp/graylog-{{ graylog_version }}/"
dest: "{{ graylog_root_dir }}/app/"
recursive: True
delete: True
delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
when: graylog_install_mode != 'none'
tags: graylog
- name: Install external libs
url: "{{ graylog_libs[item].url }}"
dest: /opt/graylog/app/lib
checksum: sha1:{{ graylog_libs[item].sha1 }}
loop: "{{ graylog_libs.keys() | list }}"
notify: restart graylog-server
tags: graylog
- name: Find existing libs
shell: find {{ graylog_root_dir }}/app/lib -type f -name \*.jar
register: graylog_libs_installed
changed_when: False
tags: graylog
- name: Install plugins
url: "{{ graylog_plugins[item].url }}"
dest: "{{ graylog_root_dir }}/app/plugin"
checksum: sha1:{{ graylog_plugins[item].sha1 }}
when: item in graylog_plugins_to_install
loop: "{{ graylog_plugins.keys() | list }}"
notify: restart graylog-server
tags: graylog
- name: Remove old plugins
shell: find {{ graylog_root_dir }}/app/plugin -name graylog-plugin-{{ item }}\* -a \! -name \*{{ graylog_plugins[item].version }}.jar -exec rm -f "{}" \;
when: graylog_plugins[item] is defined
changed_when: False
loop: "{{ graylog_plugins_to_install }}"
tags: graylog
- name: List installed plugins
shell: find {{ graylog_root_dir }}/app/plugin/ -type f -name graylog-plugin-\*.jar
register: graylog_plugins_installed
changed_when: False
tags: graylog
- name: Remove unwanted plugins
file: path={{ item }} state=absent
when: item | basename | regex_replace('graylog\-plugin\-(.+)\-\d(\.\d+)+\.jar','\\1') not in graylog_plugins_core + graylog_plugins_to_install
notify: restart graylog-server
loop: "{{ graylog_plugins_installed.stdout_lines }}"
tags: graylog
- name: Deploy systemd service unit
template: src=graylog-server.service.j2 dest=/etc/systemd/system/graylog-server.service
register: graylog_unit
notify: restart graylog-server
tags: graylog
- name: Reload systemd
systemd: daemon_reload=True
when: graylog_unit.changed
tags: graylog
- name: Deploy pre/post backup scripts
template: src={{ item }}-backup.j2 dest=/etc/backup/{{ item }}.d/graylog mode=750
- pre
- post
tags: graylog