Ansible roles
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- name: Configure base repositories
file: CentOS-Linux-{{ }}
description: "Centos - {{ }}"
name: "{{ | lower }}"
baseurl:$contentdir/$releasever/{{ item.repo }}/$basearch/os/
gpgcheck: True
gpgkey: file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-centosofficial
enabled: "{{ item.enabled | default(True) }}"
- name: BaseOS
repo: BaseOS
- name: AppStream
repo: AppStream
- name: PowerTools
repo: PowerTools
- name: Extras
repo: extras
- name: ContinuousRelease
repo: cr
enabled: False
- name: Plus
repo: centosplus
enabled: False
- name: FastTrack
repo: fasttrack
enabled: False
tags: repo
- name: Remove Base file
file: path=/etc/yum.repos.d/{{ item }}.repo state=absent
- CentOS-Base # Replaced with CentOS-BaseOS
- CentOS-CR # Replaced with CentOS-cr
- CentOS-Extras # Replaced with CentOS-extras
- CentOS-BaseOS # Replaced with CentOS-Linux-BaseOS
- CentOS-AppStream # Replaced with CentOS-Linux-AppStream
- CentOS-PowerTools # Replaced with CentOS-Linux-PowerTools
- CentOS-centosplus # Replaced with CentOS-Linux-Plus
- CentOS-cr # Replaced with CentOS-Linux-ContinuousRelease
- CentOS-extras # Replaced with CentOS-Linux-Extras
- CentOS-fasttrack # Replaced with CentOS-Linux-FastTrack
tags: repo