Ansible roles
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26 lines
875 B

- name: Configure IPv4 Forwarding
sysctl: name="net.ipv4.ip_forward" value={{ net_ipv4_forward | ternary('1', '0') }} sysctl_file=/etc/sysctl.d/network.conf sysctl_set=yes state=present reload=yes
- name: Deploy /etc/hosts
template: src=hosts.j2 dest=/etc/hosts
- name: Prevent PVE from changing /etc/hosts
copy: content='' dest=/etc/.pve-ignore.hosts
when: ansible_virtualization_type == 'lxc'
- name: Merge interface settings with defaults
set_fact: net_if_conf={{ net_if_conf | default([]) + [ net_if_defaults | combine(item, recursive=True) ] }}
with_items: "{{ net_if }}"
tags: net,conf
- set_fact: net_if={{ net_if_conf | default([]) }}
tags: net,conf
- name: Deploy interface configuration
template: src=ifcfg.j2 dest=/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-{{ }}
loop: "{{ net_if }}"
notify: reload network
tags: net,conf