Ansible roles
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953 B

ttrss_id: "1"
ttrss_root_dir: /opt/ttrss_{{ ttrss_id }}
ttrss_version: master
ttrss_create_db: True
ttrss_mysql_db: ttrss_{{ ttrss_id }}
ttrss_mysql_user: ttrss_{{ ttrss_id }}
ttrss_mysql_server: "{{ mysql_server | default('localhost') }}"
# ttrss_mysql_pass: S3cr3t.P@ssw0rd
# To create an alias on the main vhost. If unset, you must create a vhost pointing on
# ttrss_root_dir
# ttrss_alias: ttrss
# User under which the PHP pool is running
ttrss_php_user: php-ttrss_{{ ttrss_id }}
# If set, will use the following PHP FPM pool. If unset, will deploy it's own pool
# ttrss_php_fpm_pool: ttrss7.0
# When using our own pool, which version of PHP should be used
ttrss_php_version: 74
# If set, access will only be allowed for the following IP
# ttrss_src_ip:
# -
# -
# Public URL to access Tiny Tiny RSS, must be set
# ttrss_public_url: