Ansible roles
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pki_version: 3.5.6
pki_archive_url:{{ pki_version }}.tar.gz
pki_archive_sha1: 6fc68022052c56aae50f948e814c267a2726dba1
pki_config_version: 3.4
pki_config_archive_url:{{ pki_config_version }}.tar.gz
pki_config_archive_sha1: 3ccbb822fa8d41802394e550775282a662e837d1
# Should ansible handle updates or only initial install
pki_manage_upgrade: True
pki_root_dir: /opt/openxpki
pki_user: openxpki
# Database settings
pki_db_server: "{{ mysql_server | default('localhost') }}"
pki_db_port: 3306
pki_db_name: openxpki
pki_db_user: openxpki
# If not defined, a random pass will be generated and stored in the meta directory
# pki_db_pass:
# For sessions, use a distinct user, with only access to the frontend_session table
pki_db_session_user: openxpki_session
# pki_db_session_pass
# Base URL of the PKI
#pki_base_url: https://pki.domain.tld/openxpki
# Just a shortcut to get only the path of the url
pki_web_alias: "{{ pki_base_url | urlsplit('path') }}"
# You may restrict access to the web interface by IP
# This is to restrict access to the public endpoints. Eg downloads of CRL
pki_pub_src_ip: "{{ pki_src_ip }}"
# Optional prefix and suffix to append to the Root CA, vault and scep certificates
pki_cn_prefix: ''
pki_cn_suffix: ''
pki_root_ca_cn: "{{ pki_cn_prefix }}Root CA{{ pki_cn_suffix }}"
pki_vault_cn: "{{ pki_cn_prefix }}Vault Certificate{{ pki_cn_suffix }}"
pki_scep_cn: "{{ pki_cn_prefix }}SCEP Certificate{{ pki_cn_suffix }}"
subj_c: FR
subj_st: Aquitaine
subj_l: Bordeaux
subj_o: Firewall Services
subj_ou: Security
validity: 7300 # Root CA will use the double of this value
keysize: 4096 # Root CA will use the double of this value
subj_suffix: DC=PKI,DC=Firewall Services,DC=com
enabled: True
# hmac: SecretHMAC
# challenge: SecretChallenge
admin_email: "{{ system_admin_email }}"
expiry_send_requestor: False # Should requestor be notified about expiry
ldap_uri: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('ldap://' + ad_realm | default(samba_realm) | default(ansible_domain) | lower, ldap_uri) }}"
ldap_base: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('DC=' + ad_realm | default(samba_realm) | default(ansible_domain) | regex_replace('\\.',',DC='), ldap_base) }}"
ldap_start_tls: True
ldap_user_attr: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('samaccountname','uid') }}"
- priority: 10
filter: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('|(memberOf=CN=Domain Admins,CN=Users,DC=' + ad_realm | default(samba_realm) | default(ansible_domain) | regex_replace('\\.',',DC=') + ')(memberOf=CN=Domain Admins,OU=Groups,DC=' + ad_realm | default(samba_realm) | default(ansible_domain) | regex_replace('\\.',',DC=') + ')', 'posixMemberOf=admins') }}"
role: 'RA Operator'
- priority: 20
filter: "{{ ad_auth | default(False) | ternary('memberOf=CN=Equipe,OU=Groups,DC=' + ad_realm | default(samba_realm) | default(ansible_domain) | regex_replace('\\.',',DC='), 'posixMemberOf=equipe') }}"
role: 'User'
- priority: 30
filter: 'cn=*'
role: 'Anonymous'
passwd_quality: normal
# passwd_quality can either be string none, normal or strong. Or a dict
# for fine grain tuning, with the following keys
# minlen: 8
# maxlen: 64
# groups: 2
# dictionary: 4
# following: 3
# following_keyboard: 3
# pki_extra_realm just lets you override some of the defaults, without
# redefining the whole dict
pki_extra_realm: {}
pki_realm_conf: "{{ pki_default_realm | combine(pki_extra_realm, recursive=True) }}"
# Auto-generated if not defined
# those will be used as default HMAC and challenge for realms
# which doesn't have them defined
# pki_scep_hmac:
# pki_scep_challenge:
- name: vpn
description: VPN CA
- name: users
description: Users CA
pki_email_footer_txt: ''
pki_email_footer_html: ''