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- name: Install dependencies
yum: name={{ pma_packages }}
tags: pma
- when: pma_install_mode != 'none'
- name: Download phpMyAdmin
url: "{{ pma_archive_url }}"
dest: "{{ pma_root_dir }}/tmp/"
checksum: "sha256:{{ pma_archive_sha256 }}"
- name: Extract pma archive
src: "{{ pma_root_dir }}/tmp/phpMyAdmin-{{ pma_version }}"
dest: "{{ pma_root_dir }}/tmp"
remote_src: yes
- name: Move files to the correct directory
src: "{{ pma_root_dir }}/tmp/phpMyAdmin-{{ pma_version }}-all-languages/"
dest: "{{ pma_root_dir }}/web/"
compress: False
delete: True
delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
tags: pma
- import_tasks: ../includes/webapps_create_mysql_db.yml
- db_name: "{{ pma_db_name }}"
- db_user: "{{ pma_db_user }}"
- db_server: "{{ pma_db_server }}"
- db_pass: "{{ pma_db_pass }}"
tags: pma
- name: Prepare SQL file to create tables
replace: path={{ pma_root_dir }}/web/sql/create_tables.sql regexp='phpmyadmin' replace={{ pma_db_name }}
tags: pma
- name: Create tables
name: "{{ pma_db_name }}"
state: import
target: "{{ pma_root_dir }}/web/sql/create_tables.sql"
login_host: "{{ pma_db_server }}"
login_user: sqladmin
login_password: "{{ mysql_admin_pass }}"
when: db_created.changed
tags: pma