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161 lines
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- name: Install needed tools
- unzip
- tar
- bzip2
- acl
- mariadb
- php-pear-CAS
tags: glpi
- name: Download glpi
url: "{{ glpi_zip_url }}"
dest: "{{ glpi_root_dir }}/tmp/"
checksum: "sha1:{{ glpi_zip_sha1 }}"
when: glpi_install_mode != "none"
tags: glpi
- name: Extract glpi archive
src: "{{ glpi_root_dir }}/tmp/glpi-{{ glpi_version }}.tgz"
dest: "{{ glpi_root_dir }}/tmp/"
remote_src: yes
when: glpi_install_mode != "none"
tags: glpi
- name: Move the content of glpi to the correct top directory
src: "{{ glpi_root_dir }}/tmp/glpi/"
dest: "{{ glpi_root_dir }}/web/"
recursive: True
delete: True
- '--exclude=/install/install.php'
- '--exclude=/files/'
- '--exclude=/config/glpicrypt.key'
delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
when: glpi_install_mode != "none"
tags: glpi
- name: Remove unwanted files and directories
file: path={{ glpi_root_dir }}/web/{{ item }} state=absent
- files
- install/install.php
tags: glpi
- name: Build a list of installed plugins
shell: find {{ glpi_root_dir }}/web/plugins -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -exec basename "{}" \;
register: glpi_installed_plugins
changed_when: False
tags: glpi
- name: Download plugins
url: "{{ glpi_plugins[item].url }}"
dest: "{{ glpi_root_dir }}/tmp/"
checksum: "sha1:{{ glpi_plugins[item].sha1 }}"
- item not in glpi_installed_plugins.stdout_lines
- glpi_plugins[item] is defined
with_items: "{{ glpi_plugins_to_install }}"
tags: glpi
- name: Extract plugins
src: "{{ glpi_root_dir }}/tmp/{{ glpi_plugins[item].url | urlsplit('path') | basename }}"
dest: "{{ glpi_root_dir }}/web/plugins/"
remote_src: yes
- item not in glpi_installed_plugins.stdout_lines
- glpi_plugins[item] is defined
with_items: "{{ glpi_plugins_to_install }}"
tags: glpi
# Some plugins have the directory name not matching the plugin name
# Eg, glpi-dashboard-1.0.2 instead of GLPI. So it's removed as if it was an unmanaged plugin
# If the prop name_from is defined for the plugin, rename the dir
- name: Rename plugin dir
command: mv {{ glpi_root_dir }}/web/plugins/{{ glpi_plugins[item].rename_from }} {{ glpi_root_dir }}/web/plugins/{{ item }}
creates: "{{ glpi_root_dir }}/web/plugins/{{ item }}"
when: glpi_plugins[item].rename_from is defined
loop: "{{ glpi_plugins_to_install }}"
tags: glpi
- name: Build a list of installed plugins
shell: find {{ glpi_root_dir }}/web/plugins -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -exec basename "{}" \;
register: glpi_installed_plugins
changed_when: False
tags: glpi
- name: Remove unmanaged plugins
file: path={{ glpi_root_dir }}/web/plugins/{{ item }} state=absent
with_items: "{{ glpi_installed_plugins.stdout_lines }}"
when: item not in glpi_plugins_to_install
tags: glpi
- import_tasks: ../includes/webapps_create_mysql_db.yml
- db_name: "{{ glpi_mysql_db }}"
- db_user: "{{ glpi_mysql_user }}"
- db_server: "{{ glpi_mysql_server }}"
- db_pass: "{{ glpi_mysql_pass }}"
tags: glpi
- set_fact: glpi_db_created={{ db_created }}
tags: glpi
- name: Create a safer MySQL schema file
shell: grep -v 'DROP TABLE' {{ glpi_root_dir }}/web/install/mysql/glpi-empty.sql > {{ glpi_root_dir }}/tmp/glpi.sql
when: glpi_install_mode == 'install'
tags: glpi
- name: Inject MySQL schema
name: "{{ glpi_mysql_db }}"
state: import
target: "{{ glpi_root_dir }}/tmp/glpi.sql"
login_host: "{{ glpi_mysql_server }}"
login_user: sqladmin
login_password: "{{ mysql_admin_pass }}"
- glpi_install_mode == 'install'
- glpi_db_created.changed
tags: glpi
- name: Deploy cron task
name: glpi_{{ glpi_id }}
cron_file: glpi_{{ glpi_id }}
user: "{{ glpi_php_user }}"
job: "/bin/php{{ (glpi_php_version == '54') | ternary('',glpi_php_version) }} {{ glpi_root_dir }}/web/front/cron.php"
minute: "*/5"
tags: glpi
- name: Deploy backup scripts
template: src={{ item }}_backup.j2 dest=/etc/backup/{{ item }}.d/glpi_{{ glpi_id }} mode=750
- pre
- post
tags: glpi
- name: Download the logo
url: "{{ glpi_logo }}"
dest: "{{ glpi_root_dir }}/web/pics/fd_logo.png"
force: True
when: glpi_logo is defined
tags: glpi
- name: Download the login page logo
url: "{{ glpi_login_logo }}"
dest: "{{ glpi_root_dir }}/web/pics/login_logo_glpi.png"
force: True
when: glpi_login_logo is defined
tags: glpi