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- name: Install zmldapsync dependencies
- perl-LDAP
- perl-YAML-Tiny
- perl-Data-UUID
- perl-String-ShellQuote
- perl-Array-Diff
- perl-List-MoreUtils
- perl-Hash-Merge-Simple
- perl-Text-Unidecode
- perl-Email-MIME
- perl-Email-Sender
tags: zcs
- name: Install zmldapsync
url: "{{ item.url }}"
dest: "{{ item.dest }}"
mode: "{{ item.mode }}"
- url:
dest: /opt/zimbra/bin/zmldapsync
mode: 755
- url:
dest: /opt/zimbra/conf/zmldapsync.yml.dist
mode: 640
tags: zcs
- name: Remove old zmldapsync script
file: path=/opt/zimbra/bin/ state=absent
tags: zcs
- name: Deploy zmldapsync configuration
template: src=zmldapsync.yml.j2 dest=/opt/zimbra/conf/zmldapsync.yml owner=root group=zimbra mode=0640
tags: zcs
- name: Deploy zmldapsync systemd units
template: src={{ item }}.j2 dest=/etc/systemd/system/{{ item }}
- zmldapsync.service
- zmldapsync.timer
register: zcs_zmldapsync_unit
tags: zcs
- name: Reload systemd
systemd: daemon_reload=True
when: zcs_zmldapsync_unit.changed
tags: zcs
- name: Enable zmldapsync timer
systemd: name=zmldapsync.timer state={{ (zcs_domains.keys() | length > 0) | ternary('started','stopped') }} enabled={{ (zcs_domains.keys() | length > 0) | ternary(True,False) }}
when: zcs_domains.keys() | length > 0
tags: zcs