Ansible roles
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- name: Install system dependencies
yum: name={{ synapse_packages }}
tags: matrix
- name: Check if pg_config is available
stat: path=/bin/pg_config
register: synapse_pg_config
tags: matrix
- name: Setup pg_config
name: psql-pg_config
link: /bin/pg_config
path: /usr/pgsql-13/bin/pg_config
when: not synapse_pg_config.stat.exists
tags: matrix
- name: Wipe pip cache
file: path=/root/.cache/pip state=absent
when: synapse_old_venv.stat.exists
tags: matrix
- name: Install or update dependencies in the virtual env
state: latest
virtualenv: "{{ synapse_root_dir }}/venv"
virtualenv_command: /usr/bin/virtualenv-3
virtualenv_python: /usr/bin/python3
- bleach
- matrix-synapse-ldap3
- psycopg2
- txacme
- Jinja2
- lxml
- pysaml2
- mock
- six
- authlib
- twisted
notify: restart synapse
tags: matrix
- name: Install or update synapse in a virtualenv
virtualenv: "{{ synapse_root_dir }}/venv"
virtualenv_command: /usr/bin/virtualenv-3
virtualenv_python: /usr/bin/python3
- matrix-synapse
version: "{{ synapse_version }}"
notify: restart synapse
tags: matrix
- name: Install the service unit file
template: src=matrix-synapse.service.j2 dest=/etc/systemd/system/matrix-synapse.service
register: synapse_service_unit
notify: restart synapse
tags: matrix
- name: Reload systemd
systemd: daemon_reload=True
when: synapse_service_unit.changed
tags: matrix
- name: Install REST auth module
dest: "{{ synapse_root_dir }}/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/"
tags: matrix
- name: Create the PostgreSQL role
db: postgres
name: "{{ synapse_pg_db_user }}"
password: "{{ synapse_pg_db_pass }}"
login_host: "{{ synapse_pg_db_server }}"
login_user: sqladmin
login_password: "{{ pg_admin_pass }}"
tags: matrix
- name: Create the PostgreSQL database
name: "{{ synapse_pg_db_name }}"
encoding: UTF-8
lc_collate: C
lc_ctype: C
template: template0
owner: "{{ synapse_pg_db_user }}"
login_host: "{{ synapse_pg_db_server }}"
login_user: sqladmin
login_password: "{{ pg_admin_pass }}"
tags: matrix
- name: Deploy backup scripts
template: src={{ item }} dest=/etc/backup/{{ item }}.d/ mode=750
- pre
- post
tags: matrix
- name: Reset SELinux contexts
command: restorecon -R {{ synapse_root_dir }}
when: ansible_selinux.status == 'enabled'
tags: matrix