Ansible roles
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- name: Build config for shares
set_fact: nas_shares_conf={{ nas_shares_conf | default([]) + [nas_default_share | combine(item,recursive=True)] }}
with_items: "{{ nas_shares }}"
tags: nas
- set_fact: nas_shares={{ nas_shares_conf }}
tags: nas
- name: Create directories
file: path={{ nas_root_dir }}/{{ item[1] }}/{{ item[0].name }} state=directory
- "{{ nas_shares }}"
- [data,meta]
tags: nas
- name: Create rsync system user
name: rsync
system: True
shell: /sbin/nologin
tags: nas
- name: Deploy samba shares config
template: src=smb.conf.j2 dest=/etc/samba/smb.conf.d/shares.conf
notify: reload samba
tags: nas
- name: Deploy NFS exports
template: src=exports.j2 dest=/etc/exports
notify: reload nfs
tags: nas
- name: Deploy rsyncd shares config
template: src=rsyncd.conf.j2 dest=/etc/rsyncd.conf.d/shares.conf
tags: nas
- name: Deploy rsync auth files
template: src=rsync.secrets.j2 dest={{ nas_root_dir }}/meta/{{ }}/rsync.secrets owner=root group=root mode=600
with_items: "{{ nas_shares }}"
tags: nas
- name: Deploy setfacl script
template: dest={{ nas_root_dir }}/meta/{{ }}/ mode=755
with_items: "{{ nas_shares }}"
register: nas_acl
tags: nas
- name: Reset acls
command: "{{ nas_root_dir }}/meta/{{ }}/"
when: item.changed
with_items: "{{ nas_acl.results }}"
tags: nas
- name: Set SELinux content
target: "{{ nas_root_dir }}/data(/.*)?"
setype: public_content_rw_t
state: present
when: ansible_selinux.status == 'enabled'
tags: nas
- name: Set SEbool
seboolean: name={{ item }} state=True persistent=True
- samba_enable_home_dirs
- samba_create_home_dirs
- samba_export_all_rw
tags: nas
- name: Deploy scripts
copy: src={{ item }} dest=/var/lib/samba/scripts/{{ item }}
- mkhomedir
tags: nas