Ajout du script make-srv pour la génération d'entrée SRV sur tinydns

Daniel Berteaud pirms 12 gadiem
vecāks e31fb58c66
revīzija 1b33333522
  1. 181

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
# $Header: /u/cvsroot/env/b/make-srv,v 1.3 2002/10/30 17:26:42 mayoff Exp $
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
my $priority = 0;
my $weight = 0;
my $service;
my $port;
my $target;
my $help = 0;
my $result = GetOptions(
'help|?' => \$help,
'service=s' => \$service,
'priority=i' => \$priority,
'weight=i' => \$weight,
'port=i' => \$port,
'target=s' => \$target
) || pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if $help;
pod2usage(3) if (!defined($service) || !defined($port) || !defined($target));
my $data = tinydns_escape(
pack("nnn", $priority, $weight, $port)
. dotted_sequence_to_label_sequence($target));
print ":$service:33:$data\n";
exit 0;
sub tinydns_escape {
my ($data) = @_;
$data =~ s{[\000-\037:\\\177-\377]}{
sprintf("\\%03o", unpack('C', $&))
return $data;
sub dotted_sequence_to_label_sequence {
my ($dotted) = @_;
my @chars = split(//, $dotted);
my $l = scalar(@chars);
my $out = '';
my $label = '';
my $i = 0;
while (1) {
my $c;
if ($i < $l) {
$c = $chars[$i];
else {
$c = '.';
if ($c eq '.') {
my $ll = length($label);
if ($ll > 63) {
die "$dotted contains a label of length $ll, but max length is 63";
if ($ll > 0) {
$out .= pack('C', $ll);
$out .= $label;
$label = '';
last if ($i >= $l);
if ($c eq '\\') {
if ($i < $l) {
$c = $chars[$i];
if ($c ge '0' && $c le '7') {
my $o = $c;
if ($i < $l) {
$c = $chars[$i];
if ($c ge '0' && $c le '7') {
$o .= $c;
if ($i < $l) {
$c = $chars[$i];
if ($c ge '0' && $c le '7') {
$o .= $c;
$c = pack('C', oct($o));
$label .= $c;
$out .= "\000";
return $out;
=head1 NAME
make-srv - Make an SRV record for tinydns
make-srv -service I<service> -target I<target> -port I<port> [I<options>]
=over 4
=item -priority I<priority>
=item -weight I<weight>
This command prints a DNS SRV record to standard output in
C<tinydns-data> format. This record is defined by RFC 2052.
The C<-service> flag specifies the domain name for which
the SRV record is defined. This name should have the format
I<service>C<.>I<protocol>C<.>I<domain>. For example:
C<http.tcp.dqd.com>. You must specify the C<-service> flag.
The C<-target> flag specifies the target domain name of the record. The
I<target> must be a domain name with an associated A record. (This
command doesn't verify that, but the RFC says it's a requirement.) You
must specify the C<-target> flag.
The C<-port> flag specifies the port number of the record. You must
specify the C<-port> flag.
The C<-priority> and C<-weight> flags specify the priority and weight of
the record. These flags are optional; I<priority> and I<weight> are
zero by default.
$ make-srv -service http.tcp.dqd.com -target zot.dqd.com -port 80
You may add the I<ttl>, I<timestamp>, and I<lo> fields to the end of the
line yourself if necessary. For example,
is the same SRV record as in the example above, but will be visible only
to clients in the C<in> location. See the C<tinydns-data> documentation
for help with these fields.
=head1 LINKS
=item *
RFC 2052: L<http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2052.txt>
=item *
C<tinydns-data> documentation: L<http://cr.yp.to/djbdns/tinydns-data.html>
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