# $Id: smeserver-qos-1.0.spec,v 1.8 2009/03/03 21:36:59 slords Exp $ # Authority: VIP-ire # Name: Daniel Berteaud %define name smeserver-qos %define version 1.2.0 %define release 0.beta6 Summary: Install management web console for QoS Name: %{name} Version: %{version} Release: %{release}%{?dist} License: GNU GPL version 2 URL: http://contribs.org Group: SMEserver/addon Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-buildroot BuildArchitectures: noarch BuildRequires: e-smith-devtools >= 1.13.1-03 Requires: e-smith-base Conflicts: smeserver-htbwshaper %description SME Server admin interface for QoS %changelog * Thu Apr 12 2012 Daniel B. - 1.2.0-1.sme - Remove all squid stuff * Fri Oct 07 2011 Daniel B. - 1.2-1.sme - Add squid delay pools - Translate in french - Stop giving TCP ACK such a high priority (SYN and SYNACK are not affected) - Only mark packets going out on EXTDEV * Tue Apr 19 2011 Daniel B. - 1.1-10.sme - Add rules for SMTP submission port (587) * Mon Oct 25 2010 Daniel B. - 1.1-9.sme - Add another class (very low priority) * Mon Oct 25 2010 Daniel B. - 1.1-8.sme - Use DSCP field instead of TOS * Fri Oct 22 2010 Daniel B. - 1.1-7.sme - Just return LAN trafic * Wed Oct 20 2010 Daniel B. - 1.1-6.sme - Classification based on TOS field - Support for OpenVPN trafic shaping * Mon May 03 2010 Daniel B. - 1.1-5.sme - % of each class can be specidied in the DB - r2q can be changed in the db * Thu Apr 29 2010 Daniel B. - 1.1-4.sme - packets with tos set as minimize-cost sent in lowest priority class - syn-acks go in class 2 - Zabbix communications go in class 2 * Tue Apr 27 2010 Daniel B. - 1.1-3.sme - Add burst to the root class - remove .orig file - changes in % reserved for each class (50, 25, 15, 10) - give TCP SYN the same prio than TCP ACKs - revert class 2 to sfq - reduce r2q for low bandwidth links, and remove useless default * Tue Apr 27 2010 Daniel B. - 1.1-2.sme - Detects TCP Acks just before the catch all rule * Mon Apr 26 2010 Daniel B. - 1.1-1.sme - Fixe high priority class handle - Use pfifo instead of sfq for high priority traffic (often UDP) - Better TCP ACK detection - Adjust r2q for low bandwidth connexions - remove useless OUTPUT rules (catched in POSTROUTING) - changes in % reserved for each class - allow 5k burst for the highest priority classes (10 and 11) * Thu Oct 01 2009 Daniel B. - 1.0-4.sme - Various cleanups - Add high priority hosts - translate panel name * Mon May 04 2009 Daniel B. - 1.0-3.sme - Add TC rules for OUTPUT so outgoing traffic from the server itself is also shaped * Mon Apr 14 2009 Daniel B. - 1.0-2 - Adjust qos on ip-up event - Print action (stop/start/restart) in init script * Mon Mar 16 2009 Daniel B. - 1.0-1 - Change default status to disabled - Class 1 gets 70%, class 2 15%, class 3 10% and class 4 5% (reserved) - Add missing -j RETURN after the catchall rule * Wed Mar 13 2009 Daniel B. - 1.0-0 - Initial release based on smeserver-htbwshaper, but with a lot of changes and enhancement %prep %setup %build perl createlinks %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT (cd root ; find . -depth -print | cpio -dump $RPM_BUILD_ROOT) rm -f %{name}-%{version}-filelist /sbin/e-smith/genfilelist $RPM_BUILD_ROOT \ > %{name}-%{version}-filelist echo "%doc COPYING" >> %{name}-%{version}-filelist %clean cd .. rm -rf %{name}-%{version} %files -f %{name}-%{version}-filelist %defattr(-,root,root) %post %preun %postun