OpenSH for WAPT
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85 lines
4.0 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from setuphelpers import *
import requests,json
uninstallkey = []
def install():
print('Installing OpenSSH')
print(' Stoping the service')
for service in ['sshd','ssh-agent']:
if service_installed(service) and service_is_running(service):
killalltasks('%s.exe' % service)
print(' Extract OpenSSH archive')
run('"%s" e -y -o"%s"' % (makepath(programfiles,'7-Zip','7z.exe'),makepath(programfiles,'OpenSSH'),'64' if iswin64() else '32'))
print(' Installing the services')
run(r'sc.exe create sshd binPath= "%s" DisplayName= "OpenSSH Server" start= auto' % makepath(programfiles,'OpenSSH','sshd.exe'), accept_returncodes=[0,1073])
run(r'sc.exe privs sshd SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege/SeTcbPrivilege/SeBackupPrivilege/SeRestorePrivilege/SeImpersonatePrivilege')
run(r'sc.exe create ssh-agent binPath= "%s" DisplayName= "OpenSSH Authentication Agent" start= auto' % makepath(programfiles,'OpenSSH','ssh-agent.exe'), accept_returncodes=[0,1073])
run(r'sc.exe privs ssh-agent SeImpersonatePrivilege')
run(r'wevtutil.exe um "%s"' % makepath(programfiles,'OpenSSH',''))
run(r'wevtutil.exe im "%s"' % makepath(programfiles,'OpenSSH',''))
print(' Opening port 22 in the firewall')
run_notfatal(r'netsh advfirewall firewall del rule name="OpenSSH Server"')
run(r'netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="OpenSSH Server" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=22 enable=yes')
print(' Starting the service')
print(r' Enabling sshd service on boot')
run('sc config sshd start= auto')
def uninstall():
print('Removing OpenSSH')
for service in ['sshd','ssh-agent']:
print(' Stoping the services %s' % service)
if service_is_running(service):
killalltasks('%s.exe' % service)
print(' Uninstalling service %s' % service)
run(r'sc.exe delete %s' % service)
print(' Unregister events handler')
run(r'wevtutil um "%s"' % makepath(programfiles,'OpenSSH',''))
print(' Removing files')
def update_package():
print('Updating OpenSSH Package')
latest = json.loads(requests.get('').text.encode('utf-8'))
version = latest['tag_name'].split('-',1)[0].lstrip('v').rstrip('p1')
pe = PackageEntry();
control = pe.load_control_from_wapt('.')
if Version(version) > Version(control['version'].split('-',1)[0]):
for arch in ['32','64']:
remove_file('' % arch)
for asset in latest['assets']:
if asset['name'] == '' % arch and not isfile('' % arch):
url = asset['browser_download_url']
print('Downloading OpenSSH %s for win%s from %s' % (version,arch,url))
wget(url,'' % arch)
print('Updating control file with new version %s' % version)
pe.version = version + '-0'
def audit():
version = control['version'].split('-',1)[0]
installed_version = get_file_properties(makepath(programfiles,'OpenSSH','sshd.exe'))['FileVersion']
if Version(version) != Version(installed_version):
print('Installed version %s does not match version %s' % (version, installed_version))
return "ERROR"
return "OK"
if __name__ == '__main__':