# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from setuphelpers import * uninstallkey = [] variables = {} # Read local variables file if available if isfile(makepath(programfiles32,'wapt','private','symetric.txt')) and isfile(makepath(programfiles32,'wapt','private','variables.txt')): print('Reading local encrypted variables file') from cryptography.fernet import Fernet import yaml f = Fernet(open(makepath(programfiles32,'wapt','private','symetric.txt'),'r').read()) variables.update(yaml.safe_load(f.decrypt(open(makepath(programfiles32,'wapt','private','variables.txt'),'r').read()))) def install(): import re version = control['version'].split('-',1)[0] print('Register OpenVPN as a trusted publisher') run(r'certutil.exe -f -addstore trustedpublisher openvpn.p7b') print('Installing OpenVPN client') os_version = 'Win10' # We need to identify the build for file in glob.glob('openvpn-install-%s-I*-%s.exe' % (version, os_version)): build = re.search('openvpn\-install\-%s\-(I\d+)\-%s\.exe' % (version, os_version), file).group(1) install_exe_if_needed('openvpn-install-%s-%s-%s.exe' % (version, build, os_version), '/S', key='OpenVPN', min_version='%s-%s-%s' % (version, build, os_version), killbefore=['openvpn','openvpn-gui']) uninstallkey.append('TAP-Windows') if 'openvpn_config' in variables: print('Deploying client configuration') open(makepath(programfiles,'OpenVPN','config','vpn.ovpn'),'w').write(variables['openvpn_config']) def update_package(): import re, os from waptpackage import PackageEntry print('Updating OpenVPN package') page = wgets('https://openvpn.net/community-downloads/') latest_version = re.search('OpenVPN (\d+(\.\d+)*) .* Released', page).group(1) pe = PackageEntry() control = pe.load_control_from_wapt(os.getcwd()) current_version = control['version'].split('-',1)[0] if Version(latest_version) > Version(current_version): print('Updating Package from %s to %s' % (current_version, latest_version)) # Win7 Would be possible, but has a problem installing the tap driver, even when the cert is added to the trust store # Just maintain the package for Win10 and later. Win7 is EOL in 2020 anyway for os_version in ['Win10']: build = re.search('OpenVPN\-%s\-(I\d+)\-%s\.msi' % (latest_version, os_version), page).group(1) if not isfile('OpenVPN-%s-%s.msi' % (latest_version, build)): url = 'https://swupdate.openvpn.org/community/releases/OpenVPN-%s-%s-%s.msi' % (latest_version, build, os_version) print('downloading %s' % url) wget(url, os.getcwd()) for file in glob.glob('*%s.msi' % os_version): if file != 'OpenVPN-%s-%s-%s.msi' % (latest_version, build, os_version): print('Removing %s' % file) remove_file(file) pe.version = latest_version + '-0' pe.maturity = 'PREPROD' pe.save_control_to_wapt(os.getcwd()) print('Package updated to %s' % latest_version) else: print('No update available') if __name__ == '__main__': update_package()