Mozilla Thunderbird for WAPT
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file is part of WAPT
# Copyright (C) 2013 Tranquil IT Systems
# WAPT aims to help Windows systems administrators to deploy
# setup and update applications on users PC.
# WAPT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# WAPT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with WAPT. If not, see <>.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
from setuphelpers import *
import time
import subprocess
uninstallkey = []
def on_dist_backup(operation,src,dst):
# When we backup the distribution dir, we have to exclude
# lightning as a new version will be installed, bundled with TB itself.
# Everything else should be backed up
if src.endswith("{e2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103}.xpi"):
print("Skiping Lightning XPI")
return False
return True
def install():
waptversion = Version(__version__)
# Backup distribution/extensions as a TB upgrade wipe it
backup_dist = False
if isdir(makepath(programfiles, "Mozilla Thunderbird", "distribution")):
print("Taking a backup of the distribution directory")
backup_dist = True
copytree2(src=makepath(programfiles, "Mozilla Thunderbird", "distribution"), dst="distribution", oncopy=on_dist_backup)
if waptversion > Version('1.5') :
softname = 'Mozilla Thunderbird'
versionsoft = control['version'].split('-',1)[0]
check_installed = installed_softwares(softname)
diskfreespacebefore = get_disk_free_space(programfiles)
if check_installed:
for uninstall in check_installed:
if iswin64():
if 'x86' in uninstall['name'] :
print(u'Remove Thunderbird x86 for install Thunderbird x64' )
if uninstall_key_exists(uninstall['key']):
cmd = WAPT.uninstall_cmd(uninstall['key'])
time.sleep (5)
version = control.version.split('-',1)[0]
major_version = control.version.split('.',1)[0]
arch = control.architecture
#locale = control.locale
locale = 'fr'
key='Mozilla Thunderbird %s (%s %s)' % (version,'x64' if iswin64() else 'x86',locale)
install_exe_if_needed(r'win%s\Thunderbird Setup %s.exe' % ('64' if iswin64() else '32',version),silentflags='-ms',key=key ,min_version=version,killbefore=['thunderbird.exe'])
print('Copy local settings')
diskfreespaceafter = get_disk_free_space(programfiles)
difffreespace = diskfreespacebefore - diskfreespaceafter
print(ur"Needed disk space : " + str(difffreespace))
# Now restore distribution backup
if backup_dist:
print("Restoring distribution directory")
copytree2(src=r'distribution', dst=makepath(programfiles, "Mozilla Thunderbird", "distribution"))
# Disable Thunderbird Update
print("Disable Update and Telemetry")
key=reg_openkey_noredir(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,r'SOFTWARE\Policies\Mozilla\Thunderbird',sam=KEY_WRITE, create_if_missing=True)
for value in ['DisableAppUpdate','DisableTelemetry']:
reg_setvalue(key,value, 1, REG_DWORD)
error('This package is not compatible with your WAPT version. Please upgrade to WAPT 1.5 or more.')
def update_package():
"""updates the package / control version with the latest stable thunderbird version"""
import re,requests,urlparse,glob
filename = ''
url = requests.head('').headers['Location']
exe = urlparse.unquote(url.rsplit('/',1)[1])
version = re.findall(r'Thunderbird Setup (.*)\.exe',exe)[0]
control = PackageEntry().load_control_from_wapt ('.')
for arch in ['32','64']:
filename = makepath('win%s' % arch, exe)
url = '' % (version,arch,'%20','%20',version)
if not isfile(filename):
print('Downloading %s from %s'%(filename,url))
# removes old exe
if isfile(filename):
exes = glob.glob(r'win%s\Thunderbird*.exe' % arch)
for fn in exes:
if fn != filename:
if Version(version) > Version(control['version'].split('-',1)[0]):
print('Updating package to %s' % version)
# updates control version from filename, increment package version.
control.version = '%s-%s'%(re.findall(r'Thunderbird Setup (.*)\.exe',filename)[0],0)
control.maturity = 'PREPROD'
print('No update available')
def uninstall():
print('Uninstalling %s' % control.asrequirement())
for thunderbird in installed_softwares('Mozilla Thunderbird'):
print('Uninstalling %s' % thunderbird['version'])
print('Removing registry entries')
for value in ['DisableAppUpdate','DisableTelemetry']:
registry_delete(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SOFTWARE\Policies\Mozilla\Thunderbird', value)
def audit():
for reg in ['DisableAppUpdate','DisableTelemetry']:
print('Checking %s' % reg)
value = registry_readstring(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SOFTWARE\Policies\Mozilla\Thunderbird', reg)
if not value:
print(r'Warning : SOFTWARE\Policies\Mozilla\Thunderbird\%s is missing' % reg)
return "ERROR"
elif value != 1:
print(r'Warning : SOFTWARE\Policies\Mozilla\Thunderbird\%s is %s instead of 1' % (reg,value))
return "ERROR"
return "OK"
if __name__ == '__main__':