Additional scripts for Zabbix agent on Linux to discover and monitor several services

157 lines
4.0 KiB

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Which;
use Date::Parse;
use Data::Dumper;
my $samba_tool = which('samba-tool');
my $pdbedit = which('pdbedit');
# Number of seconds in the past to count authentications
my $since = 300;
my $pretty = 0;
# This log is expected to be in JSON format. For example, in smb.conf :
# log level = 1 auth_audit:3 auth_json_audit:4@/var/log/samba/audit_auth.log
my $audit_auth_log = '/var/log/samba/audit_auth.log';
if (not defined $samba_tool or not defined $pdbedit){
exit 1;
'pretty' => \$pretty,
'since=i' => \$since,
'audit-auth-log=s' => \$audit_auth_log
if ($since !~ m/^\d+$/){
die "Invalid value for since\n";
my $json = {
accounts => {
users => 0,
inactive_users => 0,
active_users => 0,
groups => 0,
computers => 0
replication => 'UNKNWON',
processes => {
cldap_server => 0,
kccsrv => 0,
dreplsrv => 0,
ldap_server => 0,
kdc_server => 0,
dnsupdate => 0,
'notify-daemon' => 0,
rpc_server => 0,
winbind_server => 0,
nbt_server => 0,
dnssrv => 0,
samba => 0,
gpo => 0,
ou => 0,
activity => {
authentications => {
users => {
success => 0,
failure => 0
computers => {
success => 0,
failure => 0
authorizations => {
users => 0,
computers => 0
since => $since
# Get the numbers of users. pdbedit is prefered here because we can
# differentiate active and inactive users, which samba-tool can't do
# While at it, also get the computers
foreach (qx($pdbedit -L -v)){
next unless (m/^Account Flags:\s+\[(.*)\]/);
my $flags = $1;
if ($flags =~ m/U/){
if ($flags =~ m/D/){
} else {
} elsif ($flags =~ m/W/){
# Now count groups
foreach (qx($samba_tool group list)){
# Get replication status
# We want just a quick summary, so only output the first line
# manual checks will be needed to get the details, but if this field doesn't contains [ALL GOOD],
# then something is probably wrong
$json->{replication} = (split(/\n/, qx($samba_tool drs showrepl --summary)))[0];
# Get the list of workers
foreach (qx($samba_tool processes)){
if (/^([^\(\s]+).+\d+$/){
# Get the number of GPO
foreach (qx($samba_tool gpo listall)){
next unless (/^GPO/);
# Get the number of OU
foreach (qx($samba_tool ou list)){
if (-e $audit_auth_log){
open (my $auth_log, '<', $audit_auth_log) or die "Couldn't open $audit_auth_log : $!\n";
foreach my $line (<$auth_log>){
my $event = from_json($line);
my $type = $event->{type};
# We're only interested in Authentication and Authorization messages
next if ($type ne 'Authentication' and $type ne 'Authorization');
# Parse the date in the timstamp field
my $timestamp = str2time($event->{timestamp});
# Only look at lines from the last $since seconds. Skip if date couldn't be parsed
next if (not defined $timestamp or time() - $timestamp > $since);
my $subject;
if ($type eq 'Authentication'){
# Accounts ending with $ are for computers
$subject = ($event->{$type}->{mappedAccount} =~ m/\$$/) ? 'computers' : 'users';
if ($event->{Authentication}->{status} eq 'NT_STATUS_OK'){
} else {
} else {
$subject = ($event->{$type}->{account} =~ m/\$$/) ? 'computers' : 'users';
close $auth_log;
print to_json($json, { pretty => $pretty });