Additional scripts for Zabbix agent on Linux to discover and monitor several services

110 lines
3.0 KiB

use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
my $what = 'all';
my $defaults = undef;
my $host = undef;
my $port = undef;
my $user = undef;
my $password = undef;
my $help = 0;
my $pretty = 0;
my $exit = 0;
my $json = {
zbx_error => "none"
"what=s" => \$what,
"help" => \$help,
"defaults=s" => \$defaults,
"host=s" => \$host,
"port=s" => \$port,
"user=s" => \$user,
"password=s" => \$password,
"pretty" => \$pretty
# Basic input checks
if (defined $defaults and $defaults ne '' and not -e $defaults){
$json->{zbx_error} = "File $defaults doesn't exist";
$exit = 1;
} elsif (defined $host and $host ne '' and $host !~ m/^[\w\-\.]+$/){
$json->{zbx_error} = "Bad value for --host";
$exit = 1;
} elsif (defined $port and $port ne '' and ($port !~ m/^\d+$/ or $port lt 1 or $port gt 65535)){
$json->{zbx_error} = "Bad value for --port";
$exit = 1;
} elsif (defined $user and $user ne '' and $user !~ m/^[\w\-\.]+$/){
$json->{zbx_error} = "Bad value for --user";
$exit = 1;
} elsif (defined $password and $password ne '') {
# Just escape quotes as will protect the password with
$password =~ s/'/\\'/g;
if ($help){
print <<_EOF;
Usage: $0 [--what=key] [--help] [--pretty]
* --what : if a key is given (eg --what=Bytes_received) will print only this value.
Else, all the stats are printed in a json format.
Run once without --what to get a list of available keys
* --help : print this help and exit
* --defaults : set the file from which mysql will read defaults
* --host : set the hostname to connect to
* --user : set the user to connect as
* --password : set the password to use
* --pretty : prints JSON in a pretty, human readable format. Has no use when --what is also given
exit 0;
if ($exit eq 0){
my $opt = "";
$opt .= " --defaults-file=$defaults" if (defined $defaults and $defaults ne '');
$opt .= " --host=$host" if (defined $host and $host ne '');
$opt .= " --user=$user" if (defined $user and $user ne '');
$opt .= " --password='$password'" if (defined $password and $password ne '');
my @status = qx(mysql $opt --batch --execute 'show global status;' 2>&1);
if ($? != 0){
$exit = $?;
$json->{zbx_error} = join '', @status;
} else {
foreach (@status){
my ($key, $val) = split(/\t/, $_);
$json->{$key} = $val;
# Some older MySQL do not have all the variables we might want
if (not defined $json->{Acl_users}){
$json->{Acl_users} = qx(mysql $opt --batch --skip-column-names --execute 'select count(user) from user;' mysql);
chomp $json->{Acl_users};
if (not defined $json->{Max_statement_time_exceeded} and defined $json->{Max_execution_time_exceeded}){
$json->{Max_statement_time_exceeded} = $json->{Max_execution_time_exceeded}
if ($what ne 'all' and defined $json->{$what}){
print $json->{$what} . "\n";
} else {
print to_json($json, { pretty => $pretty });
exit $exit;