<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>PVE Cluster: info</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: Online nodes</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: at least one node is not online</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: Number of CPU</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: Disk reads</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: Disk writes</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: Memory shared by KSM</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: Average CPU load</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: Number of LXC guests</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: Number of running LXC guests</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: Free memory</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: Total memory</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: Used memory</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: Inbound network trafic</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: Outbound network trafic</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: Number of nodes</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: Number of nodes changed</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: Number of QEMU guests</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: Number of running QEMU guests</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: Quorate</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: Cluster is not quorate</name>
<name>Guests discovery</name>
<name>PVE Guest: {#PVE_GUEST_ID} ({#PVE_GUEST_NAME}) Info</name>
<name>PVE Guest: {#PVE_GUEST_ID} ({#PVE_GUEST_NAME}) cpu score</name>
<name>PVE Guest: {#PVE_GUEST_ID} ({#PVE_GUEST_NAME}) cpu usage</name>
<name>PVE Guest: {#PVE_GUEST_ID} ({#PVE_GUEST_NAME}) disk reads</name>
<name>PVE Guest:{#PVE_GUEST_ID} ({#PVE_GUEST_NAME}) disk writes</name>
<name>PVE Guest: {#PVE_GUEST_ID} ({#PVE_GUEST_NAME}) number of vcpu</name>
<name>PVE Guest: {#PVE_GUEST_ID} ({#PVE_GUEST_NAME}) disk space</name>
<name>PVE Guest {#PVE_GUEST_ID} ({#PVE_GUEST_NAME}) allocated memory</name>
<name>PVE Guest: {#PVE_GUEST_ID} ({#PVE_GUEST_NAME}) used memory</name>
<name>PVE Guest: {#PVE_GUEST_ID} ({#PVE_GUEST_NAME}) inbound network trafic</name>
<name>PVE Guest: {#PVE_GUEST_ID} ({#PVE_GUEST_NAME}) outbound network trafic</name>
<name>PVE Guest: {#PVE_GUEST_ID} ({#PVE_GUEST_NAME}) hosting node</name>
<name>PVE Guest: {#PVE_GUEST_ID} ({#PVE_GUEST_NAME}) status</name>
<name>PVE Guest: {#PVE_GUEST_ID} ({#PVE_GUEST_NAME}) uptime</name>
<name>PVE Guest: {#PVE_GUEST_NAME} ({#PVE_GUEST_ID}): CPU</name>
<name>PVE Guest: {#PVE_GUEST_NAME} ({#PVE_GUEST_ID}): Disk I/O</name>
<name>PVE Guest: {#PVE_GUEST_NAME} ({#PVE_GUEST_ID}): Memory</name>
<name>PVE Guest: {#PVE_GUEST_NAME} ({#PVE_GUEST_ID}): Network trafic</name>
<name>PVE Guest: {#PVE_GUEST_NAME} ({#PVE_GUEST_ID}): Uptime</name>
<name>Nodes discovery</name>
<name>PVE Node: {#PVE_NODE_NAME}</name>
<name>PVE Node: {#PVE_NODE_NAME} number of CPU</name>
<name>PVE Node: {#PVE_NODE_NAME} memory shared by KSM</name>
<name>PVE Node: {#PVE_NODE_NAME} kernel version</name>
<name>PVE Node: {#PVE_NODE_NAME} LXC guests</name>
<name>PVE Node: {#PVE_NODE_NAME} running LXC guests</name>
<name>PVE Node: {#PVE_NODE_NAME} free memory</name>
<name>PVE Node: {#PVE_NODE_NAME} total memory</name>
<name>PVE Node: {#PVE_NODE_NAME} used memory</name>
<name>PVE Node: {#PVE_NODE_NAME} pve version</name>
<name>PVE Node: {#PVE_NODE_NAME} QEMU guests</name>
<name>PVE Node: {#PVE_NODE_NAME} running QEMU guests</name>
<name>PVE Node: {#PVE_NODE_NAME} uptime</name>
<name>PVE Node: {#PVE_NODE_NAME}: Memory</name>
<name>Pools discovery</name>
<name>Info du pool {#PVE_POOL_ID}</name>
<name>Score CPU du pool {#PVE_POOL_ID}</name>
<name>PVE Pool: {#PVE_POOL_ID} CPU usage</name>
<name>PVE Pool: {#PVE_POOL_ID} disk reads</name>
<name>PVE Pool: {#PVE_POOL_ID} disk writes</name>
<name>PVE Pool: {#PVE_POOL_ID} number of LXC guests</name>
<name>PVE Pool: {#PVE_POOL_ID} number of qemu guests</name>
<name>PVE Pool: {#PVE_POOL_ID} number of vcpu allocated</name>
<name>PVE Pool: {#PVE_POOL_ID} disk allocated</name>
<name>PVE Pool: {#PVE_POOL_ID} Memory allocation</name>
<name>PVE Pool: {#PVE_POOL_ID} Memory usage</name>
<name>PVE Pool: {#PVE_POOL_ID} inbound network trafic</name>
<name>PVE Pool: {#PVE_POOL_ID} outbound network trafic</name>
<name>PVE Pool: {#PVE_POOL_ID} number of LXC templates</name>
<name>PVE Pool:: {#PVE_POOL_ID} number of qemu templates</name>
<name>PVE Pool: {#PVE_POOL_ID} disk space</name>
<name>PVE: Pool: {#PVE_POOL_ID}: Disk I/O</name>
<name>PVE: Pool: {#PVE_POOL_ID}: Disk space allocation</name>
<name>PVE: Pool: {#PVE_POOL_ID}: Memory usage</name>
<name>PVE: Pool: {#PVE_POOL_ID}: Trafic réseau</name>
<name>PVE: Pool: {#PVE_POOL_ID} CPU usage</name>
<name>Storage discovery</name>
<name>PVE Storage: {#PVE_STOR_ID} Info</name>
<name>PVE Storage: {#PVE_STOR_ID} Allocated disk space</name>
<name>PVE Storage: {#PVE_STOR_ID} Total space</name>
<name>PVE Storage: {#PVE_STOR_ID} is using {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}</name>
<name>PVE: Stockage: Occupation {#PVE_STOR_ID}</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: High load average ({ITEM.VALUE1})</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: High memory usage ({ITEM.VALUE1})</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: Global disk I/O</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: Global network trafic</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: Guests</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: KSM shared memory</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: Load average</name>
<name>PVE Cluster: Memory usage</name>