#!/usr/bin/perl -w use lib "/usr/share/BackupPC/lib"; use BackupPC::Lib; use BackupPC::CGI::Lib; use POSIX; use JSON; # We need to switch to backuppc UID/GID my $uid = getuid(); my $gid = getgid(); my (undef,undef,$bkpuid,$bkpgid) = getpwnam('backuppc'); setuid($bkpuid) if ($uid ne $bkpuid); setgid($bkpgid) if ($gid ne $bkpgid); my $host = $ARGV[0]; my $what = $ARGV[1]; my $bpc = BackupPC::Lib->new(); my @backups = $bpc->BackupInfoRead($host); my $mainConf = $bpc->ConfigDataRead(); my $hostConf = $bpc->ConfigDataRead($host); my $conf = { %$mainConf, %$hostConf }; my $fullCnt = $incrCnt = 0; my $fullAge = $incrAge = $lastAge = -1; my $lastXferErrors = 0; for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @backups ; $i++ ) { if ( $backups[$i]{type} eq "full" ) { $fullCnt++; if ( $fullAge < 0 || $backups[$i]{startTime} > $fullAge ) { $fullAge = $backups[$i]{startTime}; $fullSize = $backups[$i]{size}; $fullDur = $backups[$i]{endTime} - $backups[$i]{startTime}; } } else { $incrCnt++; if ( $incrAge < 0 || $backups[$i]{startTime} > $incrAge ) { $incrAge = $backups[$i]{startTime}; } } } if ( $fullAge > $incrAge && $fullAge >= 0 ) { $lastAge = $fullAge; } else { $lastAge = $incrAge; } if ( $lastAge < 0 ) { $lastAge = ""; } else { $lastAge = sprintf("%.1f", (time - $lastAge) / (24 * 3600)); } $lastXferErrors = $backups[@backups-1]{xferErrs} if ( @backups ); if ($what eq 'errors'){ print $lastXferErrors; } elsif ($what eq 'age'){ print $lastAge; } elsif ($what eq 'size'){ print $fullSize; } elsif ($what eq 'duration'){ print $fullDur; } elsif ($what eq 'notify'){ print $conf->{EMailNotifyOldBackupDays}; } else{ print<<"EOF"; Usage: $0 [errors|age|size|duration] EOF } exit(0);