#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON;
use Getopt::Long;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Cookies;
use Data::Dumper;

umask 077;

my $user   = 'zabbix';
my $pass   = 'secret';
my $site   = 'default';
my $url    = 'https://localhost:8443';
my $what   = 'devices';
my $type   = 'all';
my $pretty = 0;

my $json = {};
@{$json->{data}} = ();

GetOptions (
  'user=s'       => \$user,
  'password|p=s' => \$pass,
  'site=s'       => \$site,
  'url=s'        => \$url,
  'what=s'       => \$what,
  'type:s'       => \$type,
  'pretty'       => \$pretty

# An empty type is the same as all
$type = 'all' if ($type eq '');
my $site_id;
my $resp;
my $username = $ENV{LOGNAME} || $ENV{USER} || getpwuid($<);
my $cj = HTTP::Cookies->new(
  file           => "/tmp/.unifi_$username.txt",
  autosave       => 1,
  ignore_discard => 1
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(
  ssl_opts   => { verify_hostname => 0 },
  cookie_jar => $cj

# Check if we need to login
$resp = $ua->get($url . '/api/self/sites');

if ($resp->is_error){
  # Login on the API
  $resp = $ua->post(
    $url . '/api/login',
    Content => to_json({ username => $user, password => $pass }),
    Content_Type => 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'
  die "Login failed: " . $resp->message . "\n" if $resp->is_error;
  $resp = $ua->get($url . '/api/self/sites');
  die $resp->message . "\n" if $resp->is_error;

foreach (@{from_json($resp->decoded_content)->{data}}){
  if ($_->{name} eq $site || $_->{desc} eq $site){
    $site_id = $_->{_id};
    # If site is referenced by description, translate it to name
    $site = $_->{name} if ($_->{name} ne $site);
die "Site $site not found\n" unless ($site_id);

if ($what eq 'devices'){
  $resp = $ua->get($url . '/api/s/' . $site . '/stat/device');
  die $resp->message . "\n" if $resp->is_error;
  foreach my $entry (@{from_json($resp->decoded_content)->{data}}){
    next if ($type ne 'all' && $entry->{type} ne $type);
    push @{$json->{data}}, {
      '{#UNIFI_DEV_ID}'      => $entry->{device_id},
      '{#UNIFI_DEV_ADOPTED}' => $entry->{adopted},
      '{#UNIFI_DEV_MODEL}'   => $entry->{model},
      '{#UNIFI_DEV_NAME}'    => $entry->{name},
      '{#UNIFI_DEV_MAC}'     => $entry->{mac},
      '{#UNIFI_DEV_TYPE}'    => $entry->{type}
} elsif ($what eq 'stations'){
  $resp = $ua->get($url . '/api/s/' . $site . '/stat/sta');
  die $resp->message . "\n" if $resp->is_error;
  foreach my $entry (@{from_json($resp->decoded_content)->{data}}){
    # Ignore other sites
    next if ($entry->{site_id} ne $site_id);
    next if ($type eq 'wireless' and $entry->{is_wired} eq 'true');
    next if ($type eq 'wired' and $entry->{is_wired} eq 'false');
    push @{$json->{data}}, {
      '{#UNIFI_STA_ID}'   => $entry->{_id},
      '{#UNIFI_STA_NAME}' => (defined $entry->{hostname}) ? $entry->{hostname} : $entry->{mac},
      '{#UNIFI_STA_MAC}'  => $entry->{mac}
} elsif ($what eq 'networks'){
  $resp = $ua->get($url . '/api/s/' . $site . '/rest/networkconf');
  die $resp->message . "\n" if $resp->is_error;
  foreach my $entry (@{from_json($resp->decoded_content)->{data}}){
    # Ignore other sites
    next if ($entry->{site_id} ne $site_id);
    next if ($type ne 'all' and $entry->{purpose} ne $type);
    push @{$json->{data}}, {
      '{#UNIFI_NET_ID}'   => $entry->{_id},
      '{#UNIFI_NET_NAME}' => $entry->{name}
} elsif ($what eq 'wlan') {
  $resp = $ua->get($url . '/api/s/' . $site . '/rest/wlanconf');
  die $resp->message . "\n" if $resp->is_error;
  foreach my $entry (@{from_json($resp->decoded_content)->{data}}){
    push @{$json->{data}}, {
      '{#UNIFI_WLAN_ID}'   => $entry->{_id},
      '{#UNIFI_WLAN_NAME}' => $entry->{name}

print to_json($json, { pretty => $pretty });