Additional scripts for Zabbix agent on Linux to discover and monitor several services
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# check_megaraid_sas Nagios plugin
# Copyright (C) 2007 Jonathan Delgado,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# Nagios plugin to monitor the status of volumes attached to a LSI Megaraid SAS
# controller, such as the Dell PERC5/i and PERC5/e. If you have any hotspares
# attached to the controller, you can specify the number you should expect to
# find with the '-s' flag.
# The paths for the Nagios plugins lib and MegaCli may need to me changed.
# $Author: delgado $
# $Revision: #3 $ $Date: 2007/06/07 $
# Slightly modified by Daniel B. for zabbix
# 23 Apr 2009
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
our($opt_h, $opt_s, $opt_o, $opt_m, $opt_p);
if ( $opt_h ) {
print "Usage: $0 [-s number] [-m number] [-o number]\n";
print " -s is how many hotspares are attached to the controller\n";
print " -m is the number of media errors to ignore\n";
print " -p is the predictive error count to ignore\n";
print " -o is the number of other disk errors to ignore\n";
my $megacli = (-x '/opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64') ?
'/opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64' : '/opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli';
## Return codes for Nagios
my ($adapters);
my $hotspares = 0;
my $hotsparecount = 0;
my $pdbad = 0;
my $pdcount = 0;
my $mediaerrors = 0;
my $mediaallow = 0;
my $prederrors = 0;
my $predallow = 0;
my $othererrors = 0;
my $otherallow = 0;
my $result = '';
my $status = 'OK';
sub max_state ($$) {
my ($current, $compare) = @_;
if (($compare eq 'CRITICAL') || ($current eq 'CRITICAL')) {
return 'CRITICAL';
} elsif ($compare eq 'OK') {
return $current;
} elsif ($compare eq 'WARNING') {
return 'WARNING';
} elsif (($compare eq 'UNKNOWN') && ($current eq 'OK')) {
return 'UNKNOWN';
} else {
return $current;
if ( $opt_s ) {
$hotspares = $opt_s;
if ( $opt_m ) {
$mediaallow = $opt_m;
if ( $opt_p ) {
$predallow = $opt_p;
if ( $opt_o ) {
$otherallow = $opt_o;
# Get the number of RAID controllers we have
open (ADPCOUNT, "$megacli -adpCount -NoLog |")
|| die "error: Could not execute MegaCli -adpCount";
while (<ADPCOUNT>) {
if ( m/Controller Count:\s*(\d+)/ ) {
$adapters = $1;
ADAPTER: for ( my $adp = 0; $adp < $adapters; $adp++ ) {
# Get the number of logical drives on this adapter
open (LDGETNUM, "$megacli -LdGetNum -a$adp -NoLog |")
|| die "error: Could not execute $megacli -LdGetNum -a$adp";
my ($ldnum);
while (<LDGETNUM>) {
if ( m/Number of Virtual drives configured on adapter \d:\s*(\d+)/i ) {
$ldnum = $1;
LDISK: for ( my $ld = 0; $ld < $ldnum; $ld++ ) {
# Get info on this particular logical drive
open (LDINFO, "$megacli -LdInfo -L$ld -a$adp -NoLog |")
|| die "error: Could not execute $megacli -LdInfo -L$ld -a$adp -NoLog";
my ($size, $unit, $raidlevel, $ldpdcount, $spandepth, $state);
while (<LDINFO>) {
if ( m/^Size\s*:\s*(\d+(\.\d+)?)\s*(MB|GB|TB)/ ) {
$size = $1;
$unit = $3;
# Adjust MB to GB if that's what we got
if ( $unit eq 'MB' ) {
$size = sprintf( "%.0f", ($size / 1024) );
$unit= 'GB';
} elsif ( m/^State\s*:\s*(\w+(\s\w+)?)/ ) {
$state = $1;
if ( $state ne 'Optimal' ) {
$status = 'CRITICAL';
} elsif ( m/^Number Of Drives( per span)?\s*:\s*(\d+)/ ) {
$ldpdcount = $2;
} elsif ( m/^Span Depth\s*:\s*(\d+)/ ) {
$spandepth = $1;
$ldpdcount = $ldpdcount * $spandepth;
} elsif ( m/^RAID Level\s*:\s*Primary-(\d)/ ) {
$raidlevel = $1;
close LDINFO;
$result .= "$adp:$ld:RAID-$raidlevel:$ldpdcount drives:$size$unit:$state ";
close LDINFO;
# Get info on physical disks for this adapter
open (PDLIST, "$megacli -PdList -a$adp -NoLog |")
|| die "error: Could not execute $megacli -PdList -a$adp -NoLog";
my ($slotnumber,$fwstate);
PDISKS: while (<PDLIST>) {
if ( m/Slot Number:\s*(\d+)/ ) {
$slotnumber = $1;
# Don't care about backplane error counts
next if ( $slotnumber == 255 );
} elsif ( m/(\w+) Error Count:\s*(\d+)/ ) {
if ( $1 eq 'Media') {
$mediaerrors += $2;
} else {
$othererrors += $2;
} elsif ( m/Predictive Failure Count:\s*(\d+)/ ) {
$prederrors += $1;
} elsif ( m/Firmware state:\s*(\w+)/ ) {
$fwstate = $1;
if ( $fwstate =~ m/Hotspare/ ) {
} elsif ( $fwstate =~ m/^Online/ ) {
# Do nothing
} elsif ( $slotnumber != 255 ) {
$status = 'CRITICAL';
close PDLIST;
$result .= "Drives:$pdcount ";
# Any bad disks?
if ( $pdbad ) {
$result .= "$pdbad Bad Drives ";
my $errorcount = $mediaerrors + $prederrors + $othererrors;
# Were there any errors?
if ( $errorcount ) {
$result .= "($errorcount Errors) ";
if ( ( $mediaerrors > $mediaallow ) ||
( $prederrors > $predallow ) ||
( $othererrors > $otherallow ) ) {
$status = max_state($status, 'WARNING');
# Do we have as many hotspares as expected (if any)
if ( $hotspares ) {
if ( $hotsparecount < $hotspares ) {
$status = max_state($status, 'WARNING');
$result .= "Hotspare(s):$hotsparecount (of $hotspares)";
} else {
$result .= "Hotspare(s):$hotsparecount";
print STDOUT "$status: $result\n";
exit $ERRORS{$status};