Additional scripts for Zabbix agent on Linux to discover and monitor several services
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

95 lines
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use lib "/usr/share/BackupPC/lib";
use BackupPC::Lib;
use BackupPC::CGI::Lib;
use POSIX;
use JSON;
# We need to switch to backuppc UID/GID
my $uid = getuid();
my $gid = getgid();
my (undef,undef,$bkpuid,$bkpgid) = getpwnam('backuppc');
setuid($bkpuid) if ($uid ne $bkpuid);
setgid($bkpgid) if ($gid ne $bkpgid);
my $host = $ARGV[0];
my $what = $ARGV[1];
my $bpc = BackupPC::Lib->new();
my @backups = $bpc->BackupInfoRead($host);
my $mainConf = $bpc->ConfigDataRead();
my $hostConf = $bpc->ConfigDataRead($host);
my $conf = { %$mainConf, %$hostConf };
my $fullCnt = $incrCnt = 0;
my $fullAge = $incrAge = $lastAge = -1;
my $lastXferErrors = 0;
my $maxErrors = 0;
if ( @backups ) {
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @backups ; $i++ ) {
if ( $backups[$i]{type} eq "full" ) {
if ( $fullAge < 0 || $backups[$i]{startTime} > $fullAge ) {
$fullAge = $backups[$i]{startTime};
$fullSize = $backups[$i]{size};
$fullDur = $backups[$i]{endTime} - $backups[$i]{startTime};
} else {
if ( $incrAge < 0 || $backups[$i]{startTime} > $incrAge ) {
$incrAge = $backups[$i]{startTime};
if ( $fullAge > $incrAge && $fullAge >= 0 ) {
$lastAge = $fullAge;
} else {
$lastAge = $incrAge;
if ( $lastAge < 0 ) {
$lastAge = "";
} else {
$lastAge = sprintf("%.1f", (time - $lastAge) / (24 * 3600));
$lastXferErrors = $backups[@backups-1]{xferErrs};
$lastSizeNew = $backups[@backups-1]{sizeNew};
$lastDuration = $backups[@backups-1]{endTime} - $backups[@backups-1]{startTime};
$lastType = $backups[@backups-1]{type};
$maxErrors = $conf->{MaxXferError} if (defined $conf->{MaxXferError});
if ($what eq 'errors') {
print $lastXferErrors;
} elsif ($what eq 'max_errors') {
print $maxErrors;
} elsif ($what eq 'age') {
print $lastAge;
} elsif ($what eq 'size') {
print $fullSize;
} elsif ($what eq 'duration') {
print $lastDuration;
} elsif ($what eq 'notify') {
print $conf->{EMailNotifyOldBackupDays};
} elsif ($what eq 'all') {
print to_json(
max_errors => $maxErrors,
last_age => $lastAge,
full_size => $fullSize,
new_size => $lastSizeNew,
full_duration => $fullDur,
duration => $lastDuration,
last_type => $lastType
} else {
Usage: $0 <host> [errors|age|size|duration|all]