Additional scripts for Zabbix agent on Linux to discover and monitor several services
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Squid
# Description: Squid Request Hit Ratio
# Type: Agent or Agent (active)
# Key: squid.request_hit_ratio
# Type of information: Numeric (float)
# Units: %
# Custom multiplier: Do not use
# Store Value: As is
UserParameter=squid.request_hit_ratio,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Request Hit Ratios:'|cut -d':' -f3|cut -d',' -f1|tr -d ' %'
# Description: Squid Byte Hit Ratio
# Type: Agent or Agent (active)
# Key: squid.byte_hit_ratio
# Type of information: Numeric (float)
# Units: %
# Custom multiplier: Do not use
# Store Value: As is
UserParameter=squid.byte_hit_ratio,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Byte Hit Ratios:'|cut -d':' -f3|cut -d',' -f1|tr -d ' %'
# Description: Squid Average HTTP request per minute
# Type: Agent or Agent (active)
# Key: squid.avg_http_req_per_min
# Type of information: Numeric (float)
# Units: Req/min
# Custom multiplier: Do not use
# Store Value: As is
UserParameter=squid.avg_http_req_per_min,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Average HTTP requests per minute since start:'|cut -d':' -f2| tr -d ' \t'
# Description: Squid Disk Cache Size
# Type: Agent or Agent (active)
# Key: squid.cache_size_disk
# Type of information: Numeric (integer 64bits)
# Units: Bytes
# Custom multiplier: 1024
# Store Value: As is
UserParameter=squid.cache_size_disk,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Storage Swap size:' | awk '{print $4}'
# Description: Squid Memory Cache Size
# Type: Agent or Agent (active)
# Key: squid.cache_size_mem
# Type of information: Numeric (integer 64bits)
# Units: Bytes
# Custom multiplier: 1024
# Store Value: As is
UserParameter=squid.cache_size_mem,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Storage Mem size:' | awk '{print $4}'