Additional scripts for Zabbix agent on Linux to discover and monitor several services
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

77 lines
2.2 KiB

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Which;
use Data::Dumper;
my $pvesh = which('pvesh');
my $json;
my $pretty = 0;
my ($cluster,$guest,$node,$storage,$pool) = undef;
'cluster' => \$cluster,
'guest=i' => \$guest,
'node=s' => \$node,
'storage=s' => \$storage,
'pool=s' => \$pool,
'pretty' => \$pretty
if ($cluster){
my $cluster = from_json(qx($pvesh get /cluster/status 2>/dev/null));
foreach my $item (@{$cluster}){
if ($item->{type} eq 'cluster'){
$json->{$_} = $item->{$_} foreach (qw(quorate nodes name version));
} elsif ($node){
foreach my $item (qw(status version subscription)){
$json->{$item} = from_json(qx(pvesh get /nodes/$node/$item 2>/dev/null));
} elsif ($guest){
my $guests = from_json(qx($pvesh get /cluster/resources --type=vm 2>/dev/null));
foreach my $g (@{$guests}){
if ($g->{vmid} eq $guest){
$json = $g;
} elsif ($pool){
my $pool = from_json(qx($pvesh get /pools/$pool 2>/dev/null));
$json->{comment} = $pool->{comment};
foreach my $type (qw(qemu lxc)){
$json->{$_}->{$type} = 0 foreach (qw(guests templates));
foreach my $item (@{$pool->{members}}){
if ($item->{type} =~ m/^(qemu|lxc)$/ and !$item->{template}){
$json->{guests}->{$_} += $item->{$_} foreach (qw(cpu maxcpu diskread diskwrite maxdisk mem maxmem netin netout));
if ($item->{type} =~ m/^(qemu|lxc)$/ and $item->{template}){
$json->{templates}->{$_} += $item->{$_} foreach (qw(maxdisk));
$json->{guests}->{$_} //= 0 foreach (qw(cpu maxcpu diskread diskwrite maxdisk mem maxmem netin netout));
$json->{templates}->{$_} //= 0 foreach (qw(maxdisk));
} elsif ($storage){
$json = from_json(qx($pvesh get /storage/$storage 2>/dev/null));
my $stores = from_json(qx($pvesh get /cluster/resources --type=storage 2>/dev/null));
foreach my $s (@{$stores}){
if ($s->{storage} eq $storage){
$json->{maxdisk} = $s->{maxdisk};
$json->{disk} = $s->{disk};
} else{
exit 0;
print to_json($json, { pretty => $pretty }) . "\n";