Additional scripts for Zabbix agent on Linux to discover and monitor several services
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

136 lines
4.5 KiB

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON;
use File::Which;
use Getopt::Long;
my $json = {};
my $pool = undef;
my $what = undef;
my $pretty = 0;
"zpool|pool=s" => \$pool,
"what=s" => \$what,
"pretty" => \$pretty
my $zpool = which('zpool');
if ($what and !$pool){
print <<_EOF;
$0 [--zpool=<name>] [--what=<item>]
<name> is an optional zpool name. If specified, will only output info for this zpool.
<item> is one of size, alloc, frag, cap, dedup, health and if specified, will only output the corresponding value
If --what is specified then --zpool is mandatory.
The default (with no option) is to output all the info of all the zpool in a JSON format
exit 1;
if ($zpool){
my $cmd = "$zpool list -p -H" . ( ($pool) ? " $pool" : "");
foreach (qx($cmd)){
#rpool 464G 7.49G 457G - 2% 1% 1.00x ONLINE -
if (m/^(?<pool>\w+)\s+(?<size>\d+)\s+(?<alloc>\d+)\s+(?<free>\d+)\s+.+\s+(?<frag>\d+(\.\d+)?)\s+(?<cap>\d+(\.\d+)?)\s+(?<dedup>\d+(\.\d+)?)\s+(?<health>\w+)/){
$json->{$+{pool}}->{$_} = $+{$_} foreach (grep { $_ ne 'pool' } keys %+);
$json->{$+{pool}}->{errors} = get_zpool_errors($+{pool});
$json->{$+{pool}}->{stats} = get_zpool_stats($+{pool});
if ($what){
print ((defined $json->{$pool}->{$what}) ? $json->{$pool}->{$what} : 'ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED');
} elsif ($pool){
print ((defined $json->{$pool}) ? to_json($json->{$pool}, { pretty => $pretty }) : 'ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED');
} else {
print to_json($json, { pretty => $pretty });
print "\n";
exit 0;
sub get_zpool_errors {
my $pool = shift;
my $errors = {
read_errors => 0,
write_errors => 0,
cksum_errors => 0
my $i = 0;
my $index = {};
foreach my $line (qx($zpool status $pool)){
# Output looks like
# pool: rpool
# state: ONLINE
# status: One or more devices has experienced an unrecoverable error. An
# attempt was made to correct the error. Applications are unaffected.
# action: Determine if the device needs to be replaced, and clear the errors
# using 'zpool clear' or replace the device with 'zpool replace'.
# see:
# scan: scrub repaired 0B in 0h5m with 0 errors on Tue May 29 10:04:31 2018
# config:
# rpool ONLINE 0 0 0
# mirror-0 ONLINE 0 0 0
# sda2 ONLINE 0 0 0
# sdb2 ONLINE 0 0 474
# errors: No known data errors
# We want to save status, action, scan and errors
if ($line =~ m/^\s*(scan|action|status|errors):\s+(\w+.*)/){
$errors->{$1} = $2;
$index->{$i} = $1;
} elsif ($line !~ /:/ and defined $index->{$i-1}){
# Here, we reconstitute multiline values (like status and action)
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$errors->{$index->{$i-1}} .= $line;
} elsif ($line =~ m/\s+[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+\s+[A-Z]+\s+(?<read>\d+(\.\d+)?)(?<read_suffix>[KMT])?\s+(?<write>\d+(\.\d+)?)(?<write_suffix>[KMT])?\s+(?<cksum>\d+(\.\d+)?)(?<cksum_suffix>[KMT])?/){
# And here, we count the number of read, write and checksum errors
$errors->{read_errors} += convert_suffix($+{'read'},$+{'read_suffix'});
$errors->{write_errors} += convert_suffix($+{'write'},$+{'write_suffix'});
$errors->{cksum_errors} += convert_suffix($+{'cksum'},$+{'cksum_suffix'});
# Ensure evey item returns something
$errors->{$_} ||= '' foreach (qw(scan action status errors));
return $errors;
# Error counter can be suffixed. Apply this suffix to get raw error numbers
sub convert_suffix {
my $val = shift;
my $suf = shift;
if (!$suf){
return $val;
} elsif ($suf eq 'K'){
$val *= 1000;
} elsif ($suf eq 'M') {
$val *= 1000000;
} elsif ($suf eq 'T') {
$val *= 1000000000;
return $val;
sub get_zpool_stats {
my $pool = shift;
my $stats = {};
return $stats unless (-e "/proc/spl/kstat/zfs/$pool/io");
open STAT, "</proc/spl/kstat/zfs/$pool/io";
while (<STAT>){
if (m/^(?<nread>\d+)\s+(?<nwritten>\d+)\s+(?<reads>\d+)\s+(?<writes>\d+)\s+(?<wtime>\d+)\s+(?<wlentime>\d+)\s+(?<wupdate>\d+)\s+(?<rtime>\d+)\s+(?<rlentime>\d+)\s+(?<rupdate>\d+)\s+(?<wcnt>\d+)\s+(?<rcnt>\d+)/){
$stats->{$_} = $+{$_} foreach (keys %+);
close STAT;
return $stats;