#!/usr/bin/env perl
# This file is part of the VROOM project
# Released under the MIT licence
# Copyright 2014-2015 Daniel Berteaud <daniel@firewall-services.com>
use lib 'lib';
use Mojolicious::Lite;
use Mojolicious::Plugin::Mail;
use Mojolicious::Plugin::Database;
use Mojolicious::Plugin::StaticCompressor;
use Vroom::Constants;
use Vroom::Conf;
use Crypt::SaltedHash;
use Digest::HMAC_SHA1 qw(hmac_sha1);
use MIME::Base64;
use File::stat;
use File::Basename;
use Session::Token;
use Email::Valid;
use Protocol::SocketIO::Handshake;
use Protocol::SocketIO::Message;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use File::Basename;
use DateTime;
use Array::Diff;
use Data::Dumper;
our $config = Vroom::Conf::get_conf();
# Try to create the cache dir if they doesn't exist
foreach my $dir (qw/assets/){
if (!-d $config->{'directories.cache'} . '/' . $dir){
make_path($config->{'directories.cache'} . '/' . $dir, { mode => 0770 });
elsif (!-w $config->{'directories.cache'} . '/' . $dir){
die $config->{'directories.cache'} . '/' . "$dir is not writable";
# Create etherpad api client if enabled
our $ec = undef;
my $etherpad = eval { require Etherpad::API };
if ($config->{'etherpad.uri'} =~ m/https?:\/\/.*/ && $config->{'etherpad.api_key'} ne ''){
if ($etherpad){
import Etherpad::API;
$ec = Etherpad::API->new({
url => $config->{'etherpad.uri'},
apikey => $config->{'etherpad.api_key'}
if (!$ec->check_token){
app->log->info("Can't connect to Etherpad-Lite API, check your API key and uri");
$ec = undef;
app->log->info("Etherpad::API not found, disabling Etherpad-Lite support");
# Global error check
our $error = undef;
# Global peers hash
our $peers = {};
# Initialize localization
plugin I18N => {
namespace => 'Vroom::I18N',
# Connect to the database
# Only MySQL supported for now
plugin database => {
dsn => $config->{'database.dsn'},
username => $config->{'database.user'},
password => $config->{'database.password'},
options => {
mysql_enable_utf8 => 1,
mysql_auto_reconnect => 1,
RaiseError => 1,
PrintError => 0
# Load mail plugin with its default values
plugin mail => {
from => $config->{'email.from'},
type => 'text/html',
# Static resources compressor
plugin StaticCompressor => {
url_path_prefix => 'assets',
file_cache_path => $config->{'directories.cache'} . '/assets/',
disable_on_devmode => 1
# Validation helpers #
# Take a string as argument and check if it's a valid room name
helper valid_room_name => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($name) = @_;
my $ret = {};
# A few names are reserved
my @reserved = qw(about help feedback feedback_thanks goodbye admin localize api
missing dies kicked invitation js css img fonts snd documentation);
if (!$name || $name !~ m/^[\w\-]{1,49}$/ || grep { $name eq $_ } @reserved){
return 0;
return 1;
# Check arg is a valid ID number
helper valid_id => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($id) = @_;
if (!$id || $id !~ m/^\d+$/){
return 0;
return 1;
# Check email address format
helper valid_email => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($email) = @_;
return Email::Valid->address($email);
# Validate a date in YYYY-MM-DD format
# Also accept YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
helper valid_date => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($date) = @_;
if ($date =~ m/^\d{4}\-\d{1,2}\-\d{1,2}(\s+\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2})?$/){
return 1;
$self->app->log->debug("$date is not a valid date");
return 0;
# Various helpers #
# Check if the database schema is the one we expect
helper check_db_version => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('SELECT `value`
FROM `config`
WHERE `key`=\'schema_version\'');
my $ver = undef;
return ($ver eq Vroom::Constants::DB_VERSION) ? '1' : '0';
# Log an event
helper log_event => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($event) = @_;
if (!$event->{event} ||
$self->app->log->debug("Oops, invalid event received");
return 0;
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('INSERT INTO `audit` (`date`,`event`,`from_ip`,`user`,`message`)
VALUES (CONVERT_TZ(NOW(), @@session.time_zone, \'+00:00\'),?,?,?,?)');
my $addr = $self->tx->remote_address || '';
my $user = $self->get_name || '';
$addr = ($addr eq '') ? '' : $addr;
$user = ($user eq '') ? 'VROOM daemon' : $user;
$self->app->log->info('[' . $addr . '] [' . $user . '] [' . $event->{event} . '] ' . $event->{msg});
return 1;
# Return a list of event between 2 dates
helper get_event_list => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($start,$end) = @_;
# Check both start and end dates seems valid
if (!$self->valid_date($start) || !$self->valid_date($end)){
$self->app->log->debug("Invalid date submitted while looking for events");
return 0;
my $sth;
$sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('SELECT * FROM `audit`
WHERE `date`>=?
AND `date`<=?');
if ($@){
$self->app->log->debug("DB error: $@");
return 0;
# We want both dates to be inclusive, as the default time is 00:00:00
# if not given, append 23:59:59 to the end date
$sth->execute($start,$end . ' 23:59:59');
if ($sth->err){
$self->app->log->debug("DB error: " . $sth->errstr . " (code " . $sth->err . ")");
return 0;
# Everything went fine, return the list of event as a hashref
return $sth->fetchall_hashref('id');
# Generate and manage rotation of session keys
# used to sign cookies
helper update_session_keys => sub {
my $self = shift;
# First, delete obsolete session keys
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('DELETE FROM `session_keys`
WHERE `date` < DATE_SUB(CONVERT_TZ(NOW(), @@session.time_zone, \'+00:00\'), INTERVAL 72 HOUR)');
# Now, retrieve all remaining keys, to check if we have enough of them
$sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('SELECT `key` FROM `session_keys`
ORDER BY `date` DESC');
my $keys = $sth->fetchall_hashref('key');
my @keys = keys %$keys;
# Now, check how many keys are less than 24 hours old
$sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('SELECT COUNT(`key`) FROM `session_keys`
WHERE `date` > DATE_SUB(CONVERT_TZ(NOW(), @@session.time_zone, \'+00:00\'), INTERVAL 24 HOUR)');
my $recent_keys = $sth->fetchrow;
if ($recent_keys < 1){
$self->app->log->debug("Generating a new key to sign session cookies");
my $new_key = Session::Token->new(
alphabet => ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '.:;,/!%$#~{([-_)]}=+*|'],
entropy => 512
unshift @keys, $new_key;
$sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('INSERT INTO `session_keys` (`key`,`date`)
VALUES (?,CONVERT_TZ(NOW(), @@session.time_zone, \'+00:00\'))');
return 1;
# Return human readable username if it exists, or just the session ID
helper get_name => sub {
my $self = shift;
if ($ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} && $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} ne ''){
return $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'};
return $self->session('id');
# Create a cookie based session
# And a new API key
helper login => sub {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->session('id') && $self->session('id') ne ''){
return 1;
my $id = $self->get_random(256);
my $key = $self->get_random(256);
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('INSERT INTO `api_keys`
VALUES (?,DATE_ADD(CONVERT_TZ(NOW(), @@session.time_zone, \'+00:00\'), INTERVAL 24 HOUR))');
id => $id,
key => $key
event => 'session_create',
msg => 'User logged in'
return 1;
# Force the session cookie to expire on logout
helper logout => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($room) = @_;
# Logout from etherpad
if ($ec && $self->session($room) && $self->session($room)->{etherpadSessionId}){
if ($self->session('peer_id') &&
$peers->{$self->session('peer_id')} &&
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('DELETE FROM `api_keys`
WHERE `token`=?');
$self->session( expires => 1 );
event => 'session_destroy',
msg => 'User logged out'
return 1;
# Create a new room in the DB
# Requires two args: the name of the room and the session name of the creator
helper create_room => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($name) = @_;
# Convert room names to lowercase
if ($name ne lc $name){
$name = lc $name;
# Check if the name is valid
if (!$self->valid_room_name($name)){
return 0;
if ($self->get_room_by_name($name)){
return 0;
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('INSERT INTO `rooms`
CONVERT_TZ(NOW(), @@session.time_zone, \'+00:00\'),
CONVERT_TZ(NOW(), @@session.time_zone, \'+00:00\')
event => 'room_create',
msg => "Room $name created"
# Etherpad integration ? If so, create the corresponding pad
if ($ec){
return 1;
# Take a string as argument
# Return a room object if a room with that name is found
# Else return undef
helper get_room_by_name => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($name) = @_;
my $res = $self->valid_room_name($name);
if (!$self->valid_room_name($name)){
return 0;
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('SELECT *
FROM `rooms`
WHERE `name`=?');
return $sth->fetchall_hashref('name')->{$name}
# Same as get_room_by_name, but take a room ID as argument
helper get_room_by_id => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($id) = @_;
if (!$self->valid_id($id)){
return 0;
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('SELECT *
FROM `rooms`
WHERE `id`=?');
return $sth->fetchall_hashref('id')->{$id};
# Update a room, take a room object as argument (hashref)
helper modify_room => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($room) = @_;
if (!$self->valid_id($room->{id})){
return 0;
if (!$self->valid_room_name($room->{name})){
return 0;
my $old_room = $self->get_room_by_id($room->{id});
if (!$old_room){
return 0;
if (!$room->{max_members} ||
($room->{max_members} > $config->{'rooms.max_members'} && $config->{'rooms.max_members'} > 0)){
$room->{max_members} = 0;
if (($room->{locked} && $room->{locked} !~ m/^0|1$/) ||
($room->{ask_for_name} && $room->{ask_for_name} !~ m/^0|1$/) ||
($room->{persistent} && $room->{persistent} !~ m/^0|1$/) ||
$room->{max_members} !~ m/^\d+$/){
return 0;
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('UPDATE `rooms`
SET `locked`=?,
WHERE `id`=?');
my $msg = "Room " . $room->{name} ." modified";
my $mods = '';
foreach my $field (keys %$room){
if (($old_room->{$field} // '' ) ne ($room->{$field} // '')){
if ($field =~ m/_password$/){
$old_room->{$field} = ($old_room->{$field}) ? '<hidden>' : '<unset>';
$room->{$field} = ($room->{$field}) ? '<hidden>' : '<unset>';
$mods .= $field . ": " . $old_room->{$field} . ' -> ' . $room->{$field} . "\n";
if ($mods ne ''){
$msg .= "\nModified fields:\n$mods";
event => 'room_modify',
msg => $msg
return 1;
# Set the role of a peer
helper set_peer_role => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($data) = @_;
# Check the peer exists and is already in the room
if (!$data->{peer_id} ||
return 0;
$peers->{$data->{peer_id}}->{role} = $data->{role};
$self->app->log->info("Peer " . $data->{peer_id} . " has now the " .
$data->{role} . " role");
event => 'peer_role',
msg => "Peer " . $data->{peer_id} . " has now the " .
$data->{role} . " role in room " . $peers->{$data->{peer_id}}->{room}
return 1;
# Return the role of a peer, take a peer object as arg ($data = { peer_id => XYZ })
helper get_peer_role => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($peer_id) = @_;
return $peers->{$peer_id}->{role};
# Promote a peer to owner
helper promote_peer => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($peer_id) = @_;
return $self->set_peer_role({
peer_id => $peer_id,
role => 'owner'
# Purge api keys
helper purge_api_keys => sub {
my $self = shift;
$self->app->log->debug('Removing expired API keys');
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('DELETE FROM `api_keys`
WHERE `not_after` < CONVERT_TZ(NOW(), @@session.time_zone, \'+00:00\')');
return 1;
# Purge unused rooms
helper purge_rooms => sub {
my $self = shift;
$self->app->log->debug('Removing unused rooms');
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('SELECT `name`,`etherpad_group`
FROM `rooms`
WHERE `last_activity` < DATE_SUB(CONVERT_TZ(NOW(), @@session.time_zone, \'+00:00\'), INTERVAL ' . $config->{'rooms.inactivity_timeout'} . ' MINUTE)
AND `persistent`=\'0\' AND `owner_password` IS NULL');
my $toDelete = {};
while (my ($room,$ether_group) = $sth->fetchrow_array){
$toDelete->{$room} = $ether_group;
if ($config->{'rooms.reserved_inactivity_timeout'} > 0){
$sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('SELECT `name`,`etherpad_group`
FROM `rooms`
WHERE `last_activity` < DATE_SUB(CONVERT_TZ(NOW(), @@session.time_zone, \'+00:00\'), INTERVAL ' . $config->{'rooms.reserved_inactivity_timeout'} . ' MINUTE)
AND `persistent`=\'0\' AND `owner_password` IS NOT NULL')
while (my ($room, $ether_group) = $sth->fetchrow_array){
$toDelete->{$room} = $ether_group;
foreach my $room (keys %{$toDelete}){
event => 'room_expire',
msg => "Deleting room $room after inactivity timeout"
# Remove Etherpad group
if ($ec){
$ec->delete_pad($toDelete->{$room} . '$' . $room);
# Now remove rooms
if (keys %{$toDelete} > 0){
$sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare("DELETE FROM `rooms`
WHERE `name` IN (" . join( ",", map { "?" } keys %{$toDelete} ) . ")");
$sth->execute(keys %{$toDelete});
return 1;
# delete just a specific room, by name
helper delete_room => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($room) = @_;
$self->app->log->debug("Removing room $room");
my $data = $self->get_room_by_name($room);
if (!$data){
$self->app->log->debug("Error: room $room doesn't exist");
return 0;
if ($ec && $data->{etherpad_group}){
$ec->delete_pad($data->{etherpad_group} . '$' . $room);
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('DELETE FROM `rooms`
WHERE `name`=?');
event => 'room_delete',
msg => "Deleting room $room"
return 1;
# Retrieve the list of rooms
helper get_room_list => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('SELECT *
FROM `rooms`');
return $sth->fetchall_hashref('name');
# Just update the activity timestamp
# so we can detect unused rooms
helper update_room_last_activity => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($name) = @_;
my $data = $self->get_room_by_name($name);
if (!$data){
return 0;
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('UPDATE `rooms`
SET `last_activity`=CONVERT_TZ(NOW(), @@session.time_zone, \'+00:00\')
WHERE `id`=?');
return 1;
# Return an array of supported languages
helper get_supported_lang => sub {
my $self = shift;
return map { basename(s/\.pm$//r) } glob('lib/Vroom/I18N/*.pm');
# Generate a random token
helper get_random => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($entropy) = @_;
return Session::Token->new(entropy => $entropy)->get;
# Generate a random name
helper get_random_name => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $name = lc $self->get_random(64);
# Get another one if already taken
while ($self->get_room_by_name($name)){
$name = $self->get_random_name();
return $name;
# Add an email address to the list of notifications
helper add_notification => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($room,$email) = @_;
my $data = $self->get_room_by_name($room);
if (!$data || !$self->valid_email($email)){
return 0;
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('INSERT INTO `email_notifications`
VALUES (?,?)');
return 1;
# Update the list of notified email for a room in one go
# Take the room and an array ref of emails
helper update_email_notifications => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($room,$emails) = @_;
my $data = $self->get_room_by_name($room);
if (!$data){
return 0;
my $old = $self->get_email_notifications($room);
my @old = sort map { $old->{$_}->{email} } keys $old;
my @new = sort @$emails;
# Remove empty email
@new = grep { $_ ne '' } @new;
my $diff = Array::Diff->diff(\@old, \@new);
# Are we changing the list of email ?
if ($diff->count > 0){
my $msg = "Notification list for room $room has changed\n";
if (scalar @{$diff->deleted} > 0){
$msg .= "Emails being removed: " . join (', ', @{$diff->deleted}) . "\n";
if (scalar @{$diff->added} > 0){
$msg .= "Emails being added: " . join (', ', @{$diff->added}) . "\n";
event => 'email_notification_change',
msg => $msg
# First, drop all existing notifications
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('DELETE FROM `email_notifications`
WHERE `room_id`=?');
# Now, insert new emails
foreach my $email (@new){
# Skip empty inputs
if ($email eq ''){
$self->add_notification($room,$email) || return 0;
return 1;
# Return the list of email addresses
helper get_email_notifications => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($room) = @_;
$room = $self->get_room_by_name($room) || return undef;
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('SELECT `id`,`email`
FROM `email_notifications`
WHERE `room_id`=?');
return $sth->fetchall_hashref('id');
# Remove an email from notification list
helper remove_notification => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($room,$email) = @_;
my $data = $self->get_room_by_name($room);
if (!$data){
return 0;
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('DELETE FROM `email_notifications`
WHERE `room_id`=?
AND `email`=?');
event => 'del_email_notification',
msg => "Removing $email from the email notification list for room $room"
return 1;
# Randomly choose a music on hold
helper choose_moh => sub {
my $self = shift;
my @files = (<public/snd/moh/*.*>);
return basename($files[rand @files]);
# Add a invitation
helper add_invitation => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($room,$email) = @_;
my $data = $self->get_room_by_name($room);
if (!$data){
return 0;
my $token = $self->get_random(256);
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('INSERT INTO `email_invitations`
VALUES (?,?,?,?,CONVERT_TZ(NOW(), @@session.time_zone, \'+00:00\'))');
event => 'send_invitation',
msg => "Invitation to join room $room sent to $email"
return $token;
# return a hash with all the invitation param
# just like get_room
helper get_invitation_by_token => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($token) = @_;
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('SELECT *
FROM `email_invitations`
WHERE `token`=?
AND `processed`=\'0\'');
return $sth->fetchall_hashref('token')->{$token};
# Find invitations which have a unprocessed repsponse
helper get_invitation_list => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($session) = @_;
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('SELECT *
FROM `email_invitations`
WHERE `from`=?
AND `response` IS NOT NULL
AND `processed`=\'0\'');
return $sth->fetchall_hashref('id');
# Got a response from invitation. Store the message in the DB
# so the organizer can get it
helper respond_to_invitation => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($token,$response,$message) = @_;
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('UPDATE `email_invitations`
SET `response`=?,
WHERE `token`=?');
event => 'invitation_response',
msg => "Invitation ID $token received a reply"
return 1;
# Mark a invitation response as processed
helper mark_invitation_processed => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($token) = @_;
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('UPDATE `email_invitations`
SET `processed`=\'1\'
WHERE `token`=?');
event => 'invalidate_invitation',
msg => "Marking invitation ID $token as processed, it won't be usable anymore"
return 1;
# Purge expired invitation links
# Invitations older than 2 hours really doesn't make a lot of sens
helper purge_invitations => sub {
my $self = shift;
$self->app->log->debug('Removing expired invitations');
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('DELETE FROM `email_invitations`
WHERE `date` < DATE_SUB(CONVERT_TZ(NOW(), @@session.time_zone, \'+00:00\'), INTERVAL 2 HOUR)');
return 1;
# Check an invitation token is valid
helper check_invite_token => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($room,$token) = @_;
# Expire invitations before checking if it's valid
my $ret = 0;
my $data = $self->get_room_by_name($room);
if (!$data || !$token){
return 0;
$self->app->log->debug("Checking if invitation with token $token is valid for room $room");
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('SELECT COUNT(`id`)
FROM `email_invitations`
WHERE `room_id`=?
AND `token`=?
AND (`response` IS NULL
OR `response`=\'later\')');
my $num;
if ($num != 1){
$self->app->log->debug("Invitation is invalid");
return 0;
$self->app->log->debug("Invitation is valid");
return 1;
# Create a pad (and the group if needed)
helper create_pad => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($room) = @_;
my $data = $self->get_room_by_name($room);
if (!$ec || !$data){
return 0;
# Create the etherpad group if not already done
# and register it in the DB
if (!$data->{etherpad_group} || $data->{etherpad_group} eq ''){
$data->{etherpad_group} = $ec->create_group();
if (!$data->{etherpad_group}){
return 0;
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('UPDATE `rooms`
SET `etherpad_group`=?
WHERE `id`=?');
event => 'pad_create',
msg => "Creating group pad " . $data->{etherpad_group} . " for room $room"
return 1;
# Create an etherpad session for a user
helper create_etherpad_session => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($room) = @_;
my $data = $self->get_room_by_name($room);
if (!$ec || !$data || !$data->{etherpad_group}){
return 0;
my $id = $ec->create_author_if_not_exists_for($self->get_name);
$self->session($room)->{etherpadAuthorId} = $id;
my $etherpadSession = $ec->create_session(
time + 86400
$self->session($room)->{etherpadSessionId} = $etherpadSession;
my $etherpadCookieParam = {};
if ($config->{'etherpad.base_domain'} && $config->{'etherpad.base_domain'} ne ''){
$etherpadCookieParam->{domain} = $config->{'etherpad.base_domain'};
$self->cookie(sessionID => $etherpadSession, $etherpadCookieParam);
return 1;
# Get an API key by id
helper get_key_by_token => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($token) = @_;
if (!$token || $token eq ''){
return 0;
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('SELECT *
FROM `api_keys`
WHERE `token`=?
AND `not_after` > CONVERT_TZ(NOW(), @@session.time_zone, \'+00:00\')
LIMIT 1');
return $sth->fetchall_hashref('token')->{$token};
# Associate an API key to a room, and set the corresponding role
helper associate_key_to_room => sub {
my $self = shift;
my (%data) = @_;
my $data = \%data;
my $room = $self->get_room_by_name($data->{room});
my $key = $self->get_key_by_token($data->{key});
if (!$room || !$key){
return 0;
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('INSERT INTO `room_keys`
VALUES (?,?,?)
return 1;
# Make an API key admin of every rooms
helper make_key_admin => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($token) = @_;
my $key = $self->get_key_by_token($token);
if (!$key){
return 0;
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('UPDATE `api_keys`
SET `admin`=\'1\'
WHERE `id`=?');
event => 'admin_key',
msg => "Granting API key $token admin privileges"
return 1;
# Get the role of an API key for a room
helper get_key_role => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($token,$room) = @_;
my $key = $self->get_key_by_token($token);
if (!$key){
$self->app->log->debug("Invalid API key");
return 0;
# An admin key is considered owner of any room
if ($key->{admin}){
return 'admin';
# Now, lookup the DB the role of this key for this room
my $sth = eval {
$self->db->prepare('SELECT `role`
FROM `room_keys`
LEFT JOIN `rooms` ON `room_keys`.`room_id`=`rooms`.`id`
WHERE `room_keys`.`key_id`=?
AND `rooms`.`name`=?
LIMIT 1');
if ($key->{role}){
$self->app->log->debug("Key $token has role:" . $key->{role} . " in room $room");
return $key->{role};
# Check if a key can perform an action against a room
helper key_can_do_this => sub {
my $self = shift;
my (%data) = @_;
my $data = \%data;
my $actions = API_ACTIONS;
if (!$data->{action}){
return 0;
# Anonymous actions
if ($actions->{anonymous}->{$data->{action}}){
return 1;
my $role = $self->get_key_role($data->{token}, $data->{param}->{room});
if (!$role){
return 0;
# API key is an admin one ?
if ($role eq 'admin'){
return 1;
# Global actions can only be performed by admin keys
if (!$data->{param}->{room}){
return 0;
# If this key has owner privileges on this room, allow both owner and partitipant actions
if ($role eq 'owner' && ($actions->{owner}->{$data->{action}} || $actions->{participant}->{$data->{action}})){
return 1;
# If this key as simple partitipant priv in this room, only allow participant actions
elsif ($role eq 'participant' && $actions->{participant}->{$data->{action}}){
return 1;
return 0;
# Get the list of members of a room
helper get_room_members => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $room = shift;
if (!$self->get_room_by_name($room)){
return 0;
my @p;
foreach my $peer (keys $peers){
if ($peers->{$peer}->{room} &&
$peers->{$peer}->{room} eq $room){
push @p, $peer;
return @p;
# Broadcast a SocketIO message to all the members of a room
helper signal_broadcast_room => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $data = shift;
# Send a message to all members of the same room as the sender
# ecept the sender himself
foreach my $peer (keys %$peers){
next if ($peer eq $data->{from});
next if !$peers->{$data->{from}}->{room};
next if !$peers->{$peer}->{room};
next if $peers->{$peer}->{room} ne $peers->{$data->{from}}->{room};
return 1;
# Get the member limit for a room
helper get_member_limit => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $room = $self->get_room_by_name($name);
if ($room->{max_members} > 0 && $room->{max_members} < $config->{'rooms.max_members'}){
return $room->{max_members};
elsif ($config->{'rooms.max_members'} > 0){
return $config->{'rooms.max_members'};
return 0;
# Get credentials for the turn servers. Return an array (username,password)
helper get_turn_creds => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $room = $self->get_room_by_name(shift);
if (!$room){
return (undef,undef);
elsif ($config->{'turn.credentials'} eq 'static'){
return ($config->{'turn.turn_user'},$config->{'turn.turn_password'});
elsif ($config->{'turn.credentials'} eq 'rest'){
my $expire = time + 300;
my $user = $expire . ':' . $room->{name};
my $pass = encode_base64(hmac_sha1($user, $config->{'turn.secret_key'}));
chomp $pass;
return ($user,$pass);
else {
return (undef,undef);
# Format room config as a hash to be sent in JSON response
helper get_room_conf => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $room = shift;
return {
owner_auth => ($room->{owner_password}) ? Mojo::JSON::true : Mojo::JSON::false,
join_auth => ($room->{join_password}) ? Mojo::JSON::true : Mojo::JSON::false,
locked => ($room->{locked}) ? Mojo::JSON::true : Mojo::JSON::false,
ask_for_name => ($room->{ask_for_name}) ? Mojo::JSON::true : Mojo::JSON::false,
persistent => ($room->{persistent}) ? Mojo::JSON::true : Mojo::JSON::false,
max_members => $room->{max_members},
notif => $self->get_email_notifications($room->{name})
# Socket.IO handshake
get '/socket.io/:ver' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $sid = $self->get_random(256);
$self->session( peer_id => $sid );
my $handshake = Protocol::SocketIO::Handshake->new(
session_id => $sid,
heartbeat_timeout => 20,
close_timeout => 40,
transports => [qw/websocket/]
return $self->render(text => $handshake->to_bytes);
# WebSocket transport for the Socket.IO channel
websocket '/socket.io/:ver/websocket/:id' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $id = $self->stash('id');
# the ID must match the one stored in our session
if ($id ne $self->session('peer_id')){
event => 'peer_id_mismatch',
msg => 'Something is wrong, peer ID is ' . $id . ' but should be ' . $self->session('peer_id')
return $self->send('Bad session id');
my $key = $self->session('key');
# We create the peer in the global hash
$peers->{$id}->{socket} = $self->tx;
# And set the initial "last seen" flag
$peers->{$id}->{last} = time;
# Associate the unique ID and name
$peers->{$id}->{id} = $self->session('id');
$peers->{$id}->{check_invitations} = 1;
# Register the i18n stash, for localization will be available in the main IOLoop
# Outside of Mojo controller
$peers->{$id}->{i18n} = $self->stash->{i18n};
# When we recive a message, lets parse it as e Socket.IO one
$self->on('message' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $msg = Protocol::SocketIO::Message->new->parse(shift);
if ($msg->type eq 'event'){
# Here's a client joining a room
if ($msg->{data}->{name} eq 'join'){
my $room = $msg->{data}->{args}[0];
my $role = $self->get_key_role($key, $room);
$peers->{$id}->{role} = $role;
# Is this peer allowed to join the room ?
if (!$self->get_room_by_name($room) ||
!$role ||
$role !~ m/^(owner)|(participant)|(admin)$/){
event => 'no_role',
msg => "Failed to connect to the signaling channel, " . $self->get_name . " has no role in room $room"
$self->send( Protocol::SocketIO::Message->new( type => 'disconnect' ) );
# Are we under the limit of members ?
my $limit = $self->get_member_limit($room);
if ($limit > 0 && scalar $self->get_room_members($room) >= $limit){
event => 'member_off_limit',
msg => "Failed to connect to the signaling channel, members limit (" . $config->{'rooms.max_members'} .
") is reached"
$self->send( Protocol::SocketIO::Message->new( type => 'disconnect' ) );
# We build a list of peers, except this new one so we can send it
# to the new peer, and he'll be able to contact all those peers
my $others = {};
foreach my $peer (keys %$peers){
next if ($peer eq $id);
$others->{$peer} = $peers->{$peer}->{details};
$peers->{$id}->{details} = {
screen => \0,
video => \1,
audio => \0
$peers->{$id}->{room} = $room;
# Lets send the list of peers in our ack message
# Not sure why the null arg is needed, got it by looking at how it works with SignalMaster
type => 'ack',
message_id => $msg->{id},
args => [
clients => $others
event => 'room_join',
msg => "Peer $id has joined room $room"
# Update room last activity
# We have a message from a peer
elsif ($msg->{data}->{name} eq 'message'){
$msg->{data}->{args}[0]->{from} = $id;
my $to = $msg->{data}->{args}[0]->{to};
# Unicast message ? Check if the dest is in the same room
# and send
if ($to &&
$peers->{$to} &&
$peers->{$to}->{room} &&
$peers->{$to}->{room} eq $peers->{$id}->{room} &&
# No dest, multicast this to every members of the room
from => $id,
msg => Protocol::SocketIO::Message->new(%$msg)
# When a peer shares its screen
elsif ($msg->{data}->{name} eq 'shareScreen'){
$peers->{$id}->{details}->{screen} = \1;
# Or unshares it
elsif ($msg->{data}->{name} eq 'unshareScreen'){
$peers->{$id}->{details}->{screen} = \0;
from => $id,
msg => Protocol::SocketIO::Message->new(
type => 'event',
data => {
name => 'remove',
args => [{ id => $id, type => 'screen' }]
elsif ($msg->{data}->{name} =~ m/^leave|disconnect$/){
$self->app->log->debug("Unhandled SocketIO message\n" . Dumper $msg);
# Heartbeat reply, update timestamp
elsif ($msg->type eq 'heartbeat'){
$peers->{$id}->{last} = time;
# Update room last activity ~ every 40 heartbeat, so about every 2 minutes
if ((int (rand 200)) <= 5){
# Triggerred when a websocket connection ends
$self->on(finish => sub {
my ($self, $code, $reason) = @_;
if ($id && $peers->{$id} && $peers->{$id}->{room}){
event => 'room_leave',
msg => "Peer $id closed websocket connection, leaving room " . $peers->{$id}->{room}
from => $id,
msg => Protocol::SocketIO::Message->new(
type => 'event',
data => {
name => 'remove',
args => [{ id => $id, type => 'video' }]
delete $peers->{$id};
# This is just the end of the initial handshake, we indicate the client we're ready
$self->send(Protocol::SocketIO::Message->new( type => 'connect' ));
# Send heartbeats to all websocket clients
# Every 3 seconds
Mojo::IOLoop->recurring( 3 => sub {
foreach my $id (keys %{$peers}){
# This shouldn't happen, but better to log an error and fix it rather
# than looping indefinitly on a bogus entry if something went wron
if (!$peers->{$id}->{socket}){
app->log->debug("Garbage found in peers (peer $id has no socket)\n");
delete $peers->{$id};
# If we had no reply from this peer in the last 15 sec
# (5 heartbeat without response), we consider it dead and remove it
elsif ($peers->{$id}->{last} < time - 15){
app->log->debug("Peer $id didn't reply in 15 sec, disconnecting");
delete $peers->{$id};
elsif ($peers->{$id}->{check_invitations}) {
my $invitations = app->get_invitation_list($peers->{$id}->{id});
foreach my $invit (keys %{$invitations}){
my $msg = '';
$msg .= sprintf($peers->{$id}->{i18n}->localize('INVITE_REPONSE_FROM_s'), $invitations->{$invit}->{email}) . "\n" ;
if ($invitations->{$invit}->{response} && $invitations->{$invit}->{response} eq 'later'){
$msg .= $peers->{$id}->{i18n}->localize('HE_WILL_TRY_TO_JOIN_LATER');
$msg .= $peers->{$id}->{i18n}->localize('HE_WONT_JOIN');
if ($invitations->{$invit}->{message} && $invitations->{$invit}->{message} ne ''){
$msg .= "\n" . $peers->{$id}->{i18n}->localize('MESSAGE') . ":\n" . $invitations->{$invit}->{message} . "\n";
type => 'event',
data => {
name => 'notification',
args => [{
payload => {msg => $msg, class => 'info'}
delete $peers->{$id}->{check_invitations};
# Send the heartbeat
$peers->{$id}->{socket}->send(Protocol::SocketIO::Message->new( type => 'heartbeat' ))
# Maintenance loop
# purge old stuff from the database
Mojo::IOLoop->recurring( 3600 => sub {
# Route / to the index page
get '/' => sub {
my $self = shift;
page => 'index',
etherpad => ($ec) ? 'true' : 'false'
} => 'index';
# Route for the about page
get '/about' => sub {
my $self = shift;
page => 'about',
components => COMPONENTS,
musics => MOH
} => 'about';
# Documentation
get '/documentation' => sub {
my $self = shift;
page => 'documentation'
} => 'documentation';
# Route for the help page
get '/help' => sub {
my $self = shift;
page => 'help'
} => 'help';
# Routes for feedback. One get to display the form
# and one post to get data from it
get '/feedback' => sub {
my $self = shift;
page => 'feedback'
} => 'feedback';
post '/feedback' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $email = $self->param('email') || '';
my $comment = $self->param('comment');
my $sent = $self->mail(
to => $config->{'email.contact'},
subject => $self->l("FEEDBACK_FROM_VROOM"),
data => $self->render_mail('feedback',
email => $email,
comment => $comment
return $self->render('feedback_thanks');
# Route for the goodbye page, displayed when someone leaves a room
get '/goodbye/(:room)' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $room = $self->stash('room');
if (!$self->get_room_by_name($room)){
return $self->render('error',
msg => sprintf ($self->l("ERROR_ROOM_s_DOESNT_EXIST"), $room),
room => $room
} => 'goodbye';
# Route for the kicked page
# Should be merged with the goodby route
get '/kicked/(:room)' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $room = $self->stash('room');
if (!$self->get_room_by_name($room)){
return $self->render('error',
msg => sprintf ($self->l("ERROR_ROOM_s_DOESNT_EXIST"), $room),
room => $room
} => 'kicked';
# Route for invitition response
any [qw(GET POST)] => '/invitation/:token' => { token => '' } => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $token = $self->stash('token');
# Delete expired invitation now
my $invite = $self->get_invitation_by_token($token);
my $room = $self->get_room_by_id($invite->{room_id});
if (!$invite || !$room){
return $self->render('error',
msg => $self->l('ERROR_INVITATION_INVALID'),
room => $room
if ($self->req->method eq 'GET'){
return $self->render('invitation',
token => $token,
room => $room->{name},
elsif ($self->req->method eq 'POST'){
my $response = $self->param('response') || 'decline';
my $message = $self->param('message') || '';
if ($response !~ m/^(later|decline)$/ || !$self->respond_to_invitation($token,$response,$message)){
return $self->render('error');
return $self->render('invitation_thanks');
# Translation for JS resources
get '/localize/:lang' => { lang => 'en' } => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $strings = {};
my $l = $self->languages;
foreach my $string (keys %Vroom::I18N::en::Lexicon){
$strings->{$string} = $self->l($string);
return $self->render(json => $strings);
# API requests handler
any '/api' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $token = $self->req->headers->header('X-VROOM-API-Key');
my $req = Mojo::JSON::decode_json($self->param('req'));
my $room;
if (!$req->{action} || !$req->{param}){
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('ERROR_OCCURRED'),
status => 503
# Handle requests authorized for anonymous users righ now
if ($req->{action} eq 'switch_lang'){
if (!grep { $req->{param}->{language} eq $_ } $self->get_supported_lang()){
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('UNSUPPORTED_LANG'),
status => 400
$self->session(language => $req->{param}->{language});
return $self->render(
json => {}
# Now, lets check if the key can do the requested action
my $res = $self->key_can_do_this(
token => $token,
action => $req->{action},
param => $req->{param}
# This action isn't possible with the privs associated to the API Key
if (!$res){
event => 'api_action_denied',
msg => "Key $token called $req->{action} but has been denied"
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('NOT_ALLOWED'),
err => 'NOT_ALLOWED'
status => '401'
if (!grep { $_ eq $req->{action} } API_NO_LOG){
event => 'api_action_allowed',
msg => "Key $token called $req->{action}"
# Here are methods not tied to a room
if ($req->{action} eq 'get_room_list'){
my $rooms = $self->get_room_list;
foreach my $r (keys %{$rooms}){
# Blank out a few param we don't need
foreach my $p (qw/join_password owner_password owner etherpad_group/){
delete $rooms->{$r}->{$p};
# Count active users
$rooms->{$r}->{members} = scalar $self->get_room_members($r);
return $self->render(
json => {
rooms => $rooms
elsif ($req->{action} eq 'get_event_list'){
my $start = $req->{param}->{start};
my $end = $req->{param}->{end};
if ($start eq ''){
$start = DateTime->now->ymd;
if ($end eq ''){
$end = DateTime->now->ymd;
# Validate input
if (!$self->valid_date($start) || !$self->valid_date($end)){
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('ERROR_INPUT_INVALID'),
status => 'error'
my $events = $self->get_event_list($start,$end);
foreach my $event (keys %{$events}){
# Init NULL values to empty strings
foreach (qw(date from_ip event user message)){
if (!$events->{$event}->{$_}){
$events->{$event}->{$_} = '';
# And send the list of event as a json object
return $self->render(
json => {
events => $events
# And here anonymous method, which do not require an API Key
elsif ($req->{action} eq 'create_room'){
$req->{param}->{room} ||= $self->get_random_name();
$req->{param}->{room} = lc $req->{param}->{room};
my $json = {
msg => $self->l('ERROR_OCCURRED'),
room => $req->{param}->{room}
# Cleanup unused rooms before trying to create it
if (!$self->valid_room_name($req->{param}->{room})){
$json->{err} = 'ERROR_NAME_INVALID';
$json->{msg} = $self->l('ERROR_NAME_INVALID');
return $self->render(json => $json, status => 400);
elsif ($self->get_room_by_name($req->{param}->{room})){
$json->{err} = 'ERROR_NAME_CONFLICT';
$json->{msg} = $self->l('ERROR_NAME_CONFLICT');
return $self->render(json => $json, status => 409);
if (!$self->create_room($req->{param}->{room})){
$json->{err} = 'ERROR_OCCURRED';
$json->{msg} = $self->l('ERROR_OCCURRED');
return $self->render(json => $json, status => 500);
$json->{err} = '';
room => $req->{param}->{room},
key => $token,
role => 'owner'
return $self->render(json => $json);
if (!$req->{param}->{room}){
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('ERROR_ROOM_NAME_MISSING'),
status => '400'
$room = $self->get_room_by_name($req->{param}->{room});
if (!$room){
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => sprintf($self->l('ERROR_ROOM_s_DOESNT_EXIST'), $req->{param}->{room}),
status => '400'
# Ok, now, we don't have to bother with authorization anymore
if ($req->{action} eq 'authenticate'){
my $pass = $req->{param}->{password};
my $role = $self->get_key_role($token, $room->{name});
my $reason;
my $code = 401;
if ($room->{owner_password} && Crypt::SaltedHash->validate($room->{owner_password}, $pass)){
$role = 'owner';
elsif (!$role && $room->{join_password} && Crypt::SaltedHash->validate($room->{join_password}, $pass)){
$role = 'participant';
elsif (!$role && !$room->{join_password} && !$room->{locked}){
$role = 'participant';
if ($role){
if (!$self->session($room->{name})){
$self->session($room->{name} => {});
if ($ec && !$self->session($room->{name})->{etherpadSession}){
if ($self->session('peer_id')){
$self->set_peer_role({ peer_id => $self->session('peer_id'), role => $role });
room => $room->{name},
key => $token,
role => $role
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('AUTH_SUCCESS'),
role => $role,
elsif ($room->{locked} && $room->{owner_password}){
elsif ($room->{locked}){
$reason = sprintf($self->l('ERROR_ROOM_s_LOCKED'), $room->{name});
$code = 403;
elsif ((!$pass || $pass eq '') && $room->{join_password}){
$reason = $self->l('A_PASSWORD_IS_NEEDED_TO_JOIN')
elsif ($room->{join_password}){
$reason = $self->l('WRONG_PASSWORD');
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $reason
status => $code
elsif ($req->{action} eq 'invite_email'){
my $rcpts = $req->{param}->{rcpts};
foreach my $addr (@$rcpts){
if (!$self->valid_email($addr) && $addr ne ''){
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('ERROR_MAIL_INVALID'),
status => 400
foreach my $addr (@$rcpts){
my $token = $self->add_invitation(
my $sent = $self->mail(
to => $addr,
subject => $self->l("EMAIL_INVITATION"),
data => $self->render_mail('invite',
room => $req->{param}->{room},
message => $req->{param}->{message},
token => $token,
joinPass => ($room->{join_password}) ? 'yes' : 'no'
if (!$token || !$sent){
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('ERROR_OCCURRED'),
status => 400
$self->app->log->info("Email invitation to join room " . $req->{param}->{room} . " sent to " . $addr);
$peers->{$self->session('peer_id')}->{check_invitations} = 1;
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => sprintf($self->l('INVITE_SENT_TO_s'), join("\n", @$rcpts)),
# Handle room lock/unlock
elsif ($req->{action} =~ m/(un)?lock_room/){
$room->{locked} = ($req->{action} eq 'lock_room') ? '1':'0';
if ($self->modify_room($room)){
my $m = ($req->{action} eq 'lock_room') ? 'ROOM_LOCKED' : 'ROOM_UNLOCKED';
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l($m),
err => $m
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('ERROR_OCCURRED'),
status => 503
# Update room configuration
elsif ($req->{action} eq 'update_room_conf'){
$room->{locked} = ($req->{param}->{locked}) ? '1' : '0';
$room->{ask_for_name} = ($req->{param}->{ask_for_name}) ? '1' : '0';
$room->{max_members} = $req->{param}->{max_members};
# Room persistence can only be set by admins
if ($req->{param}->{persistent} ne '' && $self->key_can_do_this(token => $token, action => 'set_persistent')){
$room->{persistent} = ($req->{param}->{persistent} eq Mojo::JSON::true) ? '1' : '0';
foreach my $pass (qw/join_password owner_password/){
if ($req->{param}->{$pass} eq Mojo::JSON::false){
$room->{$pass} = undef;
elsif ($req->{param}->{$pass} ne ''){
$room->{$pass} = Crypt::SaltedHash->new(algorithm => 'SHA-256')->add($req->{param}->{$pass})->generate;
if ($self->modify_room($room) && $self->update_email_notifications($room->{name},$req->{param}->{emails})){
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('ROOM_CONFIG_UPDATED')
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('ERROR_OCCURRED'),
staus => 503
# Handle password (join and owner)
elsif ($req->{action} eq 'set_join_password'){
$room->{join_password} = ($req->{param}->{password} && $req->{param}->{password} ne '') ?
Crypt::SaltedHash->new(algorithm => 'SHA-256')->add($req->{param}->{password})->generate : undef;
if ($self->modify_room($room)){
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l(($req->{param}->{password}) ? 'PASSWORD_PROTECT_SET' : 'PASSWORD_PROTECT_UNSET'),
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->('ERROR_OCCURRED'),
status => 503
elsif ($req->{action} eq 'set_owner_password'){
if (grep { $req->{param}->{room} eq $_ } (split /[,;]/, $config->{'rooms.common_names'})){
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('ERROR_COMMON_ROOM_NAME'),
status => 406
$room->{owner_password} = ($req->{param}->{password} && $req->{param}->{password} ne '') ?
Crypt::SaltedHash->new(algorithm => 'SHA-256')->add($req->{param}->{password})->generate : undef;
if ($self->modify_room($room)){
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l(($req->{param}->{password}) ? 'ROOM_NOW_RESERVED' : 'ROOM_NO_MORE_RESERVED'),
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->('ERROR_OCCURRED'),
status => 503
elsif ($req->{action} eq 'set_persistent'){
my $set = $self->param('set');
$room->{persistent} = ($set eq 'on') ? 1 : 0;
if ($self->modify_room($room)){
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l(($set eq 'on') ? 'ROOM_NOW_PERSISTENT' : 'ROOM_NO_MORE_PERSISTENT')
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('ERROR_OCCURRED'),
status => 503
# Set/unset askForName
elsif ($req->{action} eq 'set_ask_for_name'){
my $set = $req->{param}->{set};
$room->{ask_for_name} = ($set eq 'on') ? 1 : 0;
if ($self->modify_room($room)){
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l(($set eq 'on') ? 'FORCE_DISPLAY_NAME' : 'NAME_WONT_BE_ASKED')
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('ERROR_OCCURRED'),
status => 503
# Add or remove an email address to the list of email notifications
elsif ($req->{action} eq 'email_notification'){
my $email = $req->{param}->{email};
my $set = $req->{param}->{set};
if (!$self->valid_email($email)){
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('ERROR_MAIL_INVALID'),
status => 400
elsif ($set eq 'on' && $self->add_notification($room->{name},$email)){
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => sprintf($self->l('s_WILL_BE_NOTIFIED'), $email)
elsif ($set eq 'off' && $self->remove_notification($room->{name},$email)){
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => sprintf($self->l('s_WONT_BE_NOTIFIED_ANYMORE'), $email)
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('ERROR_OCCURRED'),
status => 503
# Return configuration for SimpleWebRTC
elsif ($req->{action} eq 'get_rtc_conf'){
my $resp = {
url => Mojo::URL->new($self->url_for('/')->to_abs)->scheme('https'),
peerConnectionConfig => {
iceServers => []
autoRequestMedia => Mojo::JSON::true,
enableDataChannels => Mojo::JSON::true,
debug => Mojo::JSON::false,
detectSpeakingEvents => Mojo::JSON::true,
adjustPeerVolume => Mojo::JSON::false,
autoAdjustMic => Mojo::JSON::false,
harkOptions => {
interval => 300,
threshold => -20
media => {
audio => Mojo::JSON::true,
video => {
mandatory => {
maxFrameRate => $config->{'video.frame_rate'}
localVideo => {
autoplay => Mojo::JSON::true,
mirror => Mojo::JSON::false,
muted => Mojo::JSON::true
if ($config->{'turn.stun_server'}){
if (ref $config->{'turn.stun_server'} ne 'ARRAY'){
$config->{'turn.stun_server'} = [ $config->{'turn.stun_server'} ];
foreach my $s (@{$config->{'turn.stun_server'}}){
push @{$resp->{peerConnectionConfig}->{iceServers}}, { url => $s };
if ($config->{'turn.turn_server'}){
if (ref $config->{'turn.turn_server'} ne 'ARRAY'){
$config->{'turn.turn_server'} = [ $config->{'turn.turn_server'} ];
foreach my $t (@{$config->{'turn.turn_server'}}){
my $turn = { url => $t };
($turn->{username},$turn->{credential}) = $self->get_turn_creds($room->{name});
push @{$resp->{peerConnectionConfig}->{iceServers}}, $turn;
return $self->render(
json => {
config => $resp
# Return just room config
elsif ($req->{action} eq 'get_room_conf'){
my $resp = $self->get_room_conf($room);
my $role = $self->get_key_role($token,$room->{name});
if (!$role || $role !~ m/^admin|owner$/){
$self->app->log->debug("API Key $token is not admin, nor owner of room " . $room->{name} . ", blanking out sensible data");
$resp->{notif} = {};
return $self->render(
json => $resp
# Return the role of a peer
elsif ($req->{action} eq 'get_peer_role'){
my $peer_id = $req->{param}->{peer_id};
if (!$peer_id){
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('ERROR_PEER_ID_MISSING'),
status => 400
if ($self->session('peer_id') && $self->session('peer_id') eq $peer_id){
my $api_role = $self->get_key_role($token,$room->{name});
# If we just have been promoted to owner
if ($api_role ne 'owner' &&
$self->get_peer_role($peer_id) &&
$self->get_peer_role($peer_id) eq 'owner'){
room => $room->{name},
key => $token,
role => 'owner'
if (!$res){
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('ERROR_OCCURRED'),
status => 503
my $role = $self->get_peer_role($peer_id);
# In a room, an admin is just equivalent to an owner
$role = ($role eq 'admin') ? 'owner' : $role;
if (!$role){
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('ERROR_PEER_NOT_FOUND'),
status => 400
return $self->render(
json => {
role => $role,
# Notify the backend when we join a room
elsif ($req->{action} eq 'join'){
my $name = $req->{param}->{name} || '';
my $peer_id = $req->{param}->{peer_id};
my $subj = sprintf($self->l('s_JOINED_ROOM_s'), ($name eq '') ? $self->l('SOMEONE') : $name, $room->{name});
# Send notifications
my $recipients = $self->get_email_notifications($room->{name});
foreach my $rcpt (keys %{$recipients}){
$self->app->log->debug('Sending an email to ' . $recipients->{$rcpt}->{email});
my $sent = $self->mail(
to => $recipients->{$rcpt}->{email},
subject => $subj,
data => $self->render_mail('notification',
room => $room->{name},
name => $name
return $self->render(
json => {}
# Promote a participant to be owner of a room
elsif ($req->{action} eq 'promote_peer'){
my $peer_id = $req->{param}->{peer_id};
if (!$peer_id){
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('ERROR_PEER_ID_MISSING'),
status => 400
elsif ($self->promote_peer($peer_id)){
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('PEER_PROMOTED')
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('ERROR_OCCURRED'),
status => 503
# Wipe room data (chat history and etherpad content)
elsif ($req->{action} eq 'wipe_data'){
if (!$ec || ($ec->delete_pad($room->{etherpad_group} . '$' . $room->{name}) &&
$self->create_pad($room->{name}) &&
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('DATA_WIPED')
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('ERROR_OCCURRED'),
status => 503
# Get a new etherpad session
elsif ($req->{action} eq 'get_pad_session'){
if ($self->create_etherpad_session($room->{name})){
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('SESSION_CREATED')
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('ERROR_OCCURRED'),
styaus => 503
# Delete a room
elsif ($req->{action} eq 'delete_room'){
if ($self->delete_room($room->{name})){
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('ROOM_DELETED'),
return $self->render(
json => {
msg => $self->l('ERROR_OCCURRED'),
status => 503
group {
under '/admin' => sub {
my $self = shift;
# For now, lets just pretend that anyone able to access
# /admin is already logged in (auth is managed outside of VROOM)
# TODO: support several auth method, including an internal one where user are managed
# in our DB, and another where auth is handled by the web server
if ($self->get_key_role($self->session('key'), undef) ne 'admin'){
$self->stash(admin => 1);
return 1;
# Admin index
get '/' => sub {
my $self = shift;
return $self->render('admin');
# Room management
get '/rooms' => sub {
my $self = shift;
return $self->render('admin_manage_rooms');
# Audit
get '/audit' => sub {
my $self = shift;
return $self->render('admin_audit');
# Catch all route: if nothing else match, it's the name of a room
get '/:room' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $room = $self->stash('room');
my $video = $self->param('video') || '1';
my $token = $self->param('token') || undef;
# Redirect to lower case
if ($room ne lc $room){
$self->redirect_to($self->get_url('/') . lc $room);
my $res = $self->valid_room_name($room);
if (!$self->valid_room_name($room)){
return $self->render('error',
msg => $self->l('ERROR_NAME_INVALID'),
room => $room
my $data = $self->get_room_by_name($room);
unless ($data){
return $self->render('error',
msg => sprintf ($self->l("ERROR_ROOM_s_DOESNT_EXIST"), $room),
room => $room
# Create a session if not already done
# If we've reached the members' limit
my $limit = $self->get_member_limit($room);
if ($limit > 0 && scalar $self->get_room_members($room) >= $limit){
return $self->render('error',
msg => $self->l("ERROR_TOO_MANY_MEMBERS"),
room => $room,
# pad doesn't exist yet ?
if ($ec && !$data->{etherpad_group}){
# Reload data so we get the etherpad_group
$data = $self->get_room_by_name($room);
# Now display the room page
return $self->render('join',
page => 'room',
moh => $self->choose_moh(),
video => $video,
etherpad => ($ec) ? 'true' : 'false',
etherpadGroup => $data->{etherpad_group},
ua => $self->req->headers->user_agent
# use the templates defined in the config
push @{app->renderer->paths}, 'templates/'.$config->{'interface.template'};
# Set log level
# Remove timestamp, journald handles it
app->log->format(sub {
my ($time, $level, @lines) = @_;
return "[$level] " . join("\n", @lines) . "\n";
app->hook(before_dispatch => sub {
my $self = shift;
# Switch to the desired language
if ($self->session('language')){
# Stash the configuration hashref
$self->stash(config => $config);
# Check db is available
# But don't error when user requests static assets
if ($error && @{$self->req->url->path->parts}[-1] !~ m/\.(css|js|png|woff2?|mp3|localize\/.*)$/){
return $self->render('error',
msg => $self->l($error),
err => $error,
room => ''
if (!app->db){
if (!app->check_db_version){
# Are we running in hypnotoad ?
hypnotoad => {
listen => ['http://' . $config->{'daemon.listen_ip'} . ':' . $config->{'daemon.listen_port'}],
pid_file => $config->{'daemon.pid_file'},
proxy => 1
app->log->info('Starting VROOM daemon');
# And start, lets VROOM !!