"THANKS_FOR_USING"=>"Thank you for using VROOM, we hope you enjoyed your meeting",
"BACK_TO_MAIN_MENU"=>"Back to main menu",
"CREATE_ROOM"=>"Create a new room",
"ROOM_NAME"=>"Room name",
"RANDOM_IF_EMPTY"=>"If you let this field empty, a random name will be given to the room",
"ROOM_s"=>"room %s",
"EMAIL_INVITE"=>"Email invite",
"SEND_INVITE"=>"Send an email invitation",
"DISPLAY_NAME"=>"Display name",
"YOUR_NAME"=>"Your name",
"NAME_SENT_TO_OTHERS"=>"This name will be sent to the other peers so they can identify you. You need to set your name before you can chat",
"CHANGE_COLOR"=>"Change your color",
"CLICK_TO_CHAT"=>"Click to access the chat",
"PREVENT_TO_JOIN"=>"Prevent other participants to join this room",
"MUTE_MIC"=>"Turn off your microphone",
"SUSPEND_CAM"=>"Suspend your webcam, other will see a black screen instead, but can still hear you",
"LOGOUT"=>"Leave the room",
"SET_YOUR_NAME_TO_CHAT"=>"You need to set your name to be able to chat",
"MIC_MUTED"=>"Your microphone is now muted",
"MIC_UNMUTED"=>"Your microphone is now unmuted",
"CAM_SUSPENDED"=>"Your webcam is now suspended",
"CAM_RESUMED"=>"Your webcam is on again",
"SHARE_YOUR_SCREEN"=>"Share your screen with the other members of this room",
"CANT_SHARE_SCREEN"=>"Sorry, your configuration does not allow screen sharing",
"EVERYONE_CAN_SEE_YOUR_SCREEN"=>"All other participants can see your screen now",
"SCREEN_UNSHARED"=>"You do no longer share your screen",
"ERROR_MAIL_INVALID"=>"Please enter a valid email address",
"CANT_SEND_TO_s"=>"Couldn't send message to %s",
"SCREEN_s"=>"%s's screen",
"P2P_COMMUNICATION"=>"With VROOM, your communication is done peer to peer, and secured. ".
"Our servers are only used for signaling, so that everyone can connect ".
"directly to each other (see it like a virtual meeting point). All your ".
"important data is sent directly. Only if you are behind a strict firewall, ".
"streams will be relayed by our servers, as a last resort, but even in this case, ".
"we will just relay encrypted blobs.",
"WORKS_EVERYWHERE"=>"Works everywhere",
"MODERN_BROWSERS"=>"VROOM works with modern browsers (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera), ".
"you don't have to install plugins, codecs, client software, then ".
"send the tech documentation to all other parties. Just click, ".
"and hangout",
"MULTI_USER"=>"Multi User",
"THE_LIMIT_IS_YOUR_PIPE"=>"VROOM doesn't have a limit on the number of participants, ".
"you can chat with several people at the same time. The only limit ".
"is the capacity of your Internet pipe. Usually, you can chat with ".
"up to 5~6 person without problem",
"SUPPORTED_BROWSERS"=>"Supported browsers",
"HELP_BROWSERS_SUPPORTED"=>"Vroom works with any modern, standard compliant browsers, which means any recent Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Opera.",
"SCREEN_SHARING"=>"Screen Sharing",
"HELP_SCREEN_SHARING"=>"VROOM lets you share your screen with the other members of the room. For now ".
"this feature is only available in Google Chrome, and you need to change the following setting ".
" <li>Type chrome://flags in the address bar".
" <li>Look for the option \"Enable screen sharing in getUserMedia()\" and click on ".
" the \"enable\" link</li>".
" <li>Click on the \"Restart now\" button which has just appeared at the bottom</li>".
"ABOUT_VROOM"=>"VROOM is a free spftware using the latest web technologies and lets you ".
"to easily organize video meetings. Forget all the pain with installing ".
"a client on your computer in a hury, compatibility issues between MAC OS ".
"or GNU/Linux, port redirection problems, calls to the helpdesk because ".
"streams cannot establish, H323 vs SIP vs ISDN issues. All you need now is:".