Video conf based on SimpleWebRTC
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

130 lines
3.2 KiB

package Vroom::Constants;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Exporter';
# Database version
use constant DB_VERSION => 7;
# Components used to generate the credits part
use constant COMPONENTS => {
"SimpleWebRTC" => {
url => ''
"Mojolicious" => {
url => ''
"jQuery" => {
url => ''
"notify.js" => {
url => ''
"jQuery-browser-plugin" => {
url => ''
"jQuery-tinytimer" => {
url => ''
"jQuery-etherpad-lite" => {
url => ''
"sprintf.js" => {
url => ''
"Bootstrap" => {
url => ''
"MariaDB" => {
url => ''
"FileSaver" => {
url => ''
"WPZOOM Developer Icon Set" => {
url => ''
"Bootstrap Switch" => {
url => ''
"bootpag" => {
url => ""
10 years ago
"tocjs" => {
url => ""
# Music on hold used
# Used to generate credits
use constant MOH => {
"Papel Secante" => {
author => "Angel Gaitan",
author_url => "",
licence => "Creative Commons BY-SA",
licence_url => ""
"Overjazz" => {
author => "Funkyproject",
author_url => "",
licence => "Creative Commons BY-SA",
licence_url => ""
"Polar Express" => {
author => "Koteen",
author_url => "http://?.?",
licence => "Creative Commons BY-SA",
licence_url => ""
"Funky Goose" => {
author => "Pepe Frias",
author_url => "",
licence => "Creative Commons BY-SA",
licence_url => ""
"I got my own" => {
author => "Reole",
author_url => "",
licence => "Creative Commons BY-SA",
licence_url => ""
# API actions
use constant API_ACTIONS => {
admin => {
get_room_list => 1,
set_persistent => 1
owner => {
invite_email => 1,
lock_room => 1,
unlock_room => 1,
set_join_password => 1,
set_owner_password => 1,
set_ask_for_name => 1,
email_notification => 1,
promote_peer => 1,
wipe_data => 1,
delete_room => 1,
update_room_conf => 1
participant => {
get_room_info => 1,
get_room_conf => 1,
get_peer_role => 1,
join => 1,
get_pad_session => 1,
get_rtc_conf => 1
anonymous => {
create_room => 1,
authenticate => 1