package Vroom::I18N::en ;
use base 'Vroom::I18N' ;
our % Lexicon = (
_AUTO = > 1 ,
"WELCOME" = > "Welcome on VROOM !!" ,
"ERROR_NAME_INVALID" = > "This name is not valid" ,
"ERROR_NAME_CONFLICT" = > "A room with this name already exists, please choose another one" ,
"ERROR_ROOM_s_DOESNT_EXIST" = > "The room %s doesn't exist" ,
"ERROR_ROOM_s_LOCKED" = > "The room %s is locked, you cannot join it" ,
"ERROR_OCCURED" = > "An error occured" ,
"ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN" = > "Sorry, your not logged in" ,
"JOIN_US_ON_s" = > "Video conference %s" ,
"INVITE_SENT_TO_s" = > "An invitation was sent to %s" ,
"TO_JOIN_s_CLICK_s" = > "You're invited to join the video conference %s. " .
"All you need is a modern web browser and a webcam. When you're ready " .
"click on <a href='%s'>this link</a>" ,
"HAVE_A_NICE_MEETING" = > "Have a nice meeting :-)" ,
"EMAIL_SIGN" = > "VROOM! And video conferencing becomes free, simple and safe" ,
"FEEDBACK" = > "Feedback" ,
"YOUR_MAIL_OPTIONAL" = > "Your email address (optional)" ,
"COMMENT" = > "Comment" ,
"VROOM_IS_AWESOME" = > "VROOM is really awesome ;-)" ,
"SUBMIT" = > "Submit" ,
"THANK_YOU" = > "Thank you :-)" ,
"THANKS_FOR_YOUR_FEEDBACK" = > "Your message has been sent, thank your for taking time to share your experience with us" ,
"FEEDBACK_FROM_VROOM" = > "VROOM feedback" ,
"FROM" = > "From" ,
"GIVE_US_YOUR_FEEDBACK" = > "Give us your feedback" ,
"YOUR_FEEDBACK_HELPS_US" = > "Your feedback (good or bad) can help us improve this application" ,
"ROOM_LOCKED" = > "This room is now locked" ,
"ROOM_UNLOCKED" = > "This room is now unlocked" ,
"ONE_OF_THE_PEERS" = > "one of the peers" ,
"ROOM_LOCKED_BY_s" = > "%s locked the room" ,
"ROOM_UNLOCKED_BY_s" = > "%s unlocked the room" ,
"OOOPS" = > "Ooops" ,
"GOODBY" = > "Goodby" ,
"THANKS_SEE_YOU_SOON" = > "Thanks and see you soon" ,
"THANKS_FOR_USING" = > "Thank you for using VROOM, we hope you enjoyed your meeting" ,
"BACK_TO_MAIN_MENU" = > "Back to main menu" ,
"JOIN_THIS_ROOM" = > "Join this room" ,
"CREATE_ROOM" = > "Create a new room" ,
"ROOM_NAME" = > "Room name" ,
"RANDOM_IF_EMPTY" = > "If you let this field empty, a random name will be given to the room" ,
"ROOM_s" = > "room %s" ,
"INVITE_PEOPLE" = > "Invite other people" ,
"TO_INVITE_SHARE_THIS_URL" = > "Send this address to anyone and he will be able to join this room" ,
"YOU_CAN_INVITE_BY_MAIL" = > "You can also directly send an invitation by email" ,
"EMAIL_INVITE" = > "Email invite" ,
"SEND_INVITE" = > "Send an email invitation" ,
"DISPLAY_NAME" = > "Display name" ,
"YOUR_NAME" = > "Your name" ,
"NAME_SENT_TO_OTHERS" = > "This name will be sent to the other peers so they can identify you. You need to set your name before you can chat" ,
"CHANGE_COLOR" = > "Change your color" ,
"CLICK_TO_CHAT" = > "Click to access the chat" ,
"PREVENT_TO_JOIN" = > "Prevent other participants to join this room" ,
"MUTE_MIC" = > "Turn off your microphone" ,
"SUSPEND_CAM" = > "Suspend your webcam, other will see a black screen instead, but can still hear you" ,
"LOGOUT" = > "Leave the room" ,
"SET_YOUR_NAME_TO_CHAT" = > "You need to set your name to be able to chat" ,
"SEND_MESSAGE" = > "Send the message" ,
"SAVE_HISTORY" = > "Save history to a file" ,
"MIC_MUTED" = > "Your microphone is now muted" ,
"MIC_UNMUTED" = > "Your microphone is now unmuted" ,
"CAM_SUSPENDED" = > "Your webcam is now suspended" ,
"CAM_RESUMED" = > "Your webcam is on again" ,
"SHARE_YOUR_SCREEN" = > "Share your screen with the other members of this room" ,
"CANT_SHARE_SCREEN" = > "Sorry, your configuration does not allow screen sharing" ,
"SCREEN_SHARING_ONLY_FOR_CHROME" = > "Sorry, but you can't share your screen. Only Google Chrome supports this feature for now" ,
"SCREEN_SHARING_CANCELLED" = > "Screen sharing has been cancelled" ,
"EXTENSION_REQUIRED" = > "An extension is required" ,
"VROOM_CHROME_EXTENSION" = > "To enable screen sharing, you need to install an extension. Click on the following link and refresh this page" ,
"EVERYONE_CAN_SEE_YOUR_SCREEN" = > "All other participants can see your screen now" ,
"SCREEN_UNSHARED" = > "You do no longer share your screen" ,
"ERROR_MAIL_INVALID" = > "Please enter a valid email address" ,
"CANT_SEND_TO_s" = > "Couldn't send message to %s" ,
"SCREEN_s" = > "%s's screen" ,
"BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED" = > "Browser not supported" ,
"NO_WEBRTC_SUPPORT" = > "Sorry, but the video conference will not work because your web browser doesn't have the " .
"required functionnalities. We recommand you download one of the following browsers " .
"which support the latest web technologies required to use VROOM" ,
"HOME" = > "Home" ,
"HELP" = > "Help" ,
"ABOUT" = > "About" ,
"SECURE" = > "Secure" ,
"P2P_COMMUNICATION" = > "With VROOM, your communication is done peer to peer, and secured. " .
"Our servers are only used for signaling, so that everyone can connect " .
"directly to each other (see it like a virtual meeting point). All your " .
"important data is sent directly. Only if you are behind a strict firewall, " .
"streams will be relayed by our servers, as a last resort, but even in this case, " .
"we will just relay encrypted blobs." ,
"WORKS_EVERYWHERE" = > "Universal" ,
"MODERN_BROWSERS" = > "VROOM works with modern browsers (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera), " .
"you don't have to install plugins, codecs, client software, then " .
"send the tech documentation to all other parties. Just click, " .
"and hangout" ,
"MULTI_USER" = > "Multi User" ,
"THE_LIMIT_IS_YOUR_PIPE" = > "VROOM doesn't have a limit on the number of participants, " .
"you can chat with several people at the same time. The only limit " .
"is the capacity of your Internet pipe. Usually, you can chat with " .
"up to 5~6 person without problem" ,
"SUPPORTED_BROWSERS" = > "Supported browsers" ,
"HELP_BROWSERS_SUPPORTED" = > "Vroom works with any modern, standard compliant browsers, which means any recent Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Opera." ,
"SCREEN_SHARING" = > "Screen Sharing" ,
"HELP_SCREEN_SHARING" = > "VROOM lets you share your screen with the other members of the room. For now " .
"this feature is only available in Google Chrome, and you need to change the following setting " .
"(since version 34, this setting isn't needed anymore)" .
"<ul>" .
" <li>Type chrome://flags in the address bar" .
" <li>Look for the option \"Enable screen sharing in getUserMedia()\" and click on " .
" the \"enable\" link</li>" .
" <li>Click on the \"Restart now\" button which has just appeared at the bottom</li>" .
"</ul>" ,
"ABOUT_VROOM" = > "VROOM is a free spftware using the latest web technologies and lets you " .
"to easily organize video meetings. Forget all the pain with installing " .
"a client on your computer in a hury, compatibility issues between MAC OS " .
"or GNU/Linux, port redirection problems, calls to the helpdesk because " .
"streams cannot establish, H323 vs SIP vs ISDN issues. All you need now is:" .
"<ul>" .
" <li>A device (PC, MAC, pad, doesn't matter)</li>" .
" <li>A webcam and a microphone</li>" .
" <li>A web browser</li>" .
"</ul>" ,
"HOW_IT_WORKS" = > "How it works ?" ,
"ABOUT_HOW_IT_WORKS" = > "WebRTC allows browsers to browsers direct connections. This allows the best latency " .
"as it avoids round trip through a server, which is important with real time communications. " .
"But it also ensures the privacy of your communications." ,
"SERVERLESS" = > "Serverless, really ?" ,
"ABOUT_SERVERLESS" = > "We're talking about peer to peer, but, in reality, a server is still needed somewhere" .
"In WebRTC applications, server fulfil several roles: " .
"<ol>" .
" <li>A meeting point: lets clients exchange each other the needed information to establish peer to peers connections</li>" .
" <li>Provides the client! you don't have anything to install, but your browser still need to download a few scripts" .
" (the core is written in JavaScript)</li>" .
" <li>Signaling: some data without any confidential or private meaning are sent through " .
" what we call the signaling channel. This channel is routed through a server. However, " .
" this channel doesn't transport any sensible information. It's used for example to " .
" sync colors between peers, notify when someone join the room, when someone mute his mic " .
" or when the rooom is locked</li>" .
" <li>NAT traversal helper: the <a href=''>ICE</a> " .
" mechanism is used to allow clients behind a NAT router to establish their connections. " .
" As long as possible, channels through which sensible informations are sent (called data channels) " .
" are established peer to peer, but in some situations, this is not possible. A " .
"<a href=''>TURN</a> server is used to relay data. " .
" But even in those cases, the server only relays ciphered packets, and has no access to the data " .
" so confidentiality is not compromised (only latency will be affected)</li>" .
"</ol>" ,
"THANKS" = > "Thanks" ,
"ABOUT_THANKS" = > "VROOM uses the following components, so, thanks to their respective authors :-)" ,
) ;
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