Prevent the strange situation where trying to create tells you the room already exists, and when you try to join, the error is that the room doesn't exist
Not completly full proof, but seems to work reasonably well. If we do not have received chatHistory yet, ask for it each time a peer's video is added until we get it. Messages are escaped and formatting is preserved, including peer's color. One problem though: if you refresh the page, you will receive the history, but your own old message will appear on the left, as if it was another who send them. This is because there's no way to recognize it was you (previous session...)
Should fix#4
Since Chrome 34, a new API for screen sharing is available (the previous one using the flag will probably be deprecated soon)
This commit adds:
- Source of a simple Chrome extension to use this new API (which is a perfect copy of the sample extension given by &yet here:
- Adapt help page
- New modal dialog to prompt user to install the extension from Google Web Store
- Better error messages if you can't share your screen
Should fix#7
Should fix#3 for small devices
Hide the mainVideo area on small devices, instead display only bigger previews. Also switch to 2 cols for preview on large displays, not medium ones