mirror of https://github.com/dani/vroom.git
Video conf based on SimpleWebRTC https://vroom.fws.fr/documentation
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
2064 lines
64 KiB
2064 lines
64 KiB
This file is part of the VROOM project
released under the MIT licence
Copyright 2014 Firewall Services
Daniel Berteaud <daniel@firewall-services.com>
// Default notifications
$.notify.defaults( { globalPosition: 'bottom left' } );
// Enable tooltip on required elements
$('.help').tooltip({container: 'body', trigger: 'hover'});
$('.modal').on('show.bs.modal', function(){
// Enable bootstrap-swicth
// Strings we need translated
var locale = {};
// When pagination is done, how many item per page
var itemPerPage = 20;
// Localize the strings we need
url: rootUrl + 'localize/' + currentLang,
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
locale = data;
// Default ajax setup
url: rootUrl + 'api',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
headers: {
'X-VROOM-API-Key': api_key
// Handle lang switch
data: {
req: JSON.stringify({
action: 'switch_lang',
param : {
language: $('#switch_lang').val()
error: function() {
$.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error');
success: function(data){
if (data.status === 'success'){
$.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURED, 'error');
// Define a few functions
// Escape a string to be used as a jQuerry selector
// Taken from http://totaldev.com/content/escaping-characters-get-valid-jquery-id
function escapeJqSelector(string){
return string.replace(/([;&,\.\+\*\~':"\!\^#$%@\[\]\(\)=>\|])/g, '\\$1');
// Escape entities to prevent XSS
function stringEscape(string){
string = string.replace(/[\u00A0-\u99999<>\&]/gim, function(i) {
return '&#' + i.charCodeAt(0) + ';';
return string;
// Select a color (randomly) from this list, used for text chat
function chooseColor(){
// Shamelessly taken from http://martin.ankerl.com/2009/12/09/how-to-create-random-colors-programmatically/
var colors = [
'#B1C7FD', '#DDFDB1', '#FDB1F3', '#B1FDF0', '#FDDAB1', '#C4B1FD', '#B4FDB1', '#FDB1CA',
'#B1E1FD', '#F7FDB1', '#EDB1FD', '#B1FDD7', '#FDC1B1', '#B1B7FD', '#CEFDB1', '#FDB1E4',
'#B1FAFD', '#FDEAB1', '#D4B1FD', '#B1FDBD', '#FDB1BB', '#B1D1FD', '#E7FDB1', '#FDB1FD',
'#B1FDE7', '#B1FDE7'
return colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)];
// Just play a sound
function playSound(sound){
var audio = new Audio(rootUrl + 'snd/' + sound);
// Request full screen
function fullScreen(el){
if (el.requestFullScreen){
else if (el.webkitRequestFullScreen){
else if (el.mozRequestFullScreen){
// Linkify urls
// Taken from http://rickyrosario.com/blog/converting-a-url-into-a-link-in-javascript-linkify-function/
function linkify(text){
if (text) {
text = text.replace(
var full_url = url;
if (!full_url.match('^https?:\/\/')) {
full_url = 'http://' + full_url;
return '<a href="' + full_url + '" target="_blank">' + url + '</a>';
return text;
// Save content to a file
function downloadContent(filename, content){
var blob = new Blob([content], {type: 'text/html;charset=utf-8'});
saveAs(blob, filename);
// Return current time formatted as XX:XX:XX
function getTime(){
var d = new Date();
var hours = d.getHours().toString(),
minutes = d.getMinutes().toString(),
seconds = d.getSeconds().toString();
hours = (hours.length < 2) ? '0' + hours:hours;
minutes = (minutes.length < 2) ? '0' + minutes:minutes;
seconds = (seconds.length < 2) ? '0' + seconds:seconds;
return hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds;
// Convert dates from UTC to local TZ
function utc2Local(date) {
var newDate = new Date(date.getTime()+date.getTimezoneOffset()*60*1000);
var offset = date.getTimezoneOffset() / 60;
var hours = date.getHours();
newDate.setHours(hours - offset);
return newDate;
// Temporarily suspend a button, prevent abuse
function suspendButton(el){
$(el).attr('disabled', true);
$(el).attr('disabled', false);
}, 1000);
// get max height for the main video and the preview div
function maxHeight(){
// Which is the window height, minus toolbar, and a margin of 25px
return $(window).height()-$('#toolbar').height()-25;
// Create a new input field
function addEmailInputField(val){
var parentEl = $('.email-list'),
currentEntry = parentEl.find('.email-entry:last'),
newEntry = $(currentEntry.clone()).appendTo(parentEl);
// Adjust add and remove buttons foir email notifications
function adjustAddRemoveEmailButtons(){
$('.email-list').find('.email-entry:not(:last) .btn-add-email')
.html('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus"></span>');
$('.email-list').find('.email-entry:last .btn-remove-email')
.html('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span>');
// Add emails input fields
// Handle owner/join password confirm
$('#ownerPassConfirm').on('input', function() {
if ($('#ownerPassConfirm').val() == $('#ownerPass').val() &&
$('#ownerPassConfirm').val() != ''){
$('#joinPassConfirm').on('input', function() {
if ($('#joinPass').val() == $('#joinPassConfirm').val() &&
$('#joinPass').val() != ''){
// Hide or show password fields
$('#joinPassSet').on('switchChange.bootstrapSwitch', function(event, state) {
if (state){
$('#ownerPassSet').on('switchChange.bootstrapSwitch', function(event, state) {
if (state){
// Submit the configuration form
// check if passwords match
if ($('#joinPassSet').bootstrapSwitch('state')){
if ($('#joinPass').val() !== $('#joinPassConfirm').val()){
$('#joinPassConfirm').notify(locale.PASSWORDS_DO_NOT_MATCH, 'error');
return false;
if ($('#ownerPassSet').bootstrapSwitch('state')){
if ($('#ownerPass').val() !== $('#ownerPassConfirm').val()){
$('#ownerPassConfirm').notify(locale.PASSWORDS_DO_NOT_MATCH, 'error');
return false;
var validEmail = true;
$('.email-list').find('input').each(function(index, input){
if (!$(input).val().match(/\S+@\S+\.\S+/) && $(input).val() !== ''){
//$(input).parent().notify(locale.ERROR_MAIL_INVALID, 'error');
validEmail = false;
// Break the each loop
return false;
if (!validEmail){
return false;
var locked = $('#lockedSet').bootstrapSwitch('state'),
askForName = $('#askForNameSet').bootstrapSwitch('state'),
joinPass = ($('#joinPassSet').bootstrapSwitch('state')) ?
$('#joinPass').val() : false,
ownerPass = ($('#ownerPassSet').bootstrapSwitch('state')) ?
$('#ownerPass').val() : false,
persistent = $('#persistentSet').bootstrapSwitch('state'),
emails = [];
data: {
req: JSON.stringify({
action: 'update_room_conf',
param: {
room: roomName,
locked: locked,
ask_for_name: askForName,
join_password: joinPass,
owner_password: ownerPass,
persistent: persistent,
emails: emails
error: function() {
$.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error');
success: function(data) {
if (data.status == 'success'){
// Hide passwords inputs too
$.notify(data.msg, 'info');
$.notify(data.msg, 'error');
// Used on the index page
function initIndex(){
var room;
// Submit the main form to create a room
// Do not submit if we know the name is invalid
if (!$('#roomName').val().match(/^[\w\-]{0,49}$/)){
$('#roomName').parent().parent().notify(locale.ERROR_NAME_INVALID, {
class: 'error',
position: 'bottom center'
url: rootUrl + 'create',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
roomName: $('#roomName').val(),
success: function(data) {
if (data.status == 'success'){
room = data.room;
window.location.assign(rootUrl + data.room);
else if (data.err && data.err == 'ERROR_NAME_CONFLICT' ){
room = data.room;
$('#roomName').parent().parent().notify(data.msg, {
class: 'error',
position: 'bottom center'
error: function(){
$.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error');
// Handle join confirmation
window.location.assign(rootUrl + room);
// Handle cancel/choose another name
$('#roomName').on('input', function(){
if (!$('#roomName').val().match(/^[\w\-]{0,49}$/)){
// Used on the admin page
function initAdmin(){
var roomList = {};
var matches = 0;
// Update display of room list
function updateRoomList(filter, min, max){
var filterRe = new RegExp(filter, "gi");
var i = 0;
matches = 0;
$.each(roomList, function (index, obj){
if (filter === '' || obj.name.match(filterRe)){
if (i >= min && i < max){
var t = obj.create_date.split(/[- :]/);
var create = utc2Local(new Date(t[0], t[1]-1, t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5])).toLocaleString();
t = obj.last_activity.split(/[- :]/);
var activity = utc2Local(new Date(t[0], t[1]-1, t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5])).toLocaleString();
.append($('<a>').addClass('btn btn-default').attr('href',rootUrl + obj.name)
$('<span>').addClass('glyphicon glyphicon-log-in')
.append($('<button>').addClass('btn btn-default btn-configure').data('room', obj.name)
$('<span>').addClass('glyphicon glyphicon-cog')
.append($('<a>').addClass('btn btn-default btn-remove').data('room', obj.name)
$('<span>').addClass('glyphicon glyphicon-trash')
// Update pagination
function updatePagination(){
if (matches <= itemPerPage){
var total = Math.ceil(matches / itemPerPage);
if (total === 0){
total = 1;
total: total,
maxVisible: 10,
page: 1
}).on('page', function(e, page){
var min = itemPerPage * (page - 1);
var max = min + itemPerPage;
updateRoomList($('#searchRoom').val(), min, max);
// Request the list of existing rooms to the server
function getRooms(){
data: {
req: JSON.stringify({
action: 'get_room_list',
param: {}
error: function() {
$.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error');
success: function(data){
if (data.status === 'success'){
roomList = data.rooms;
matches = Object.keys(roomList).length;
updateRoomList($('#searchRoom').val(), 0, itemPerPage);
$.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURED, 'error');
function getRoomConf(roomName){
data: {
req: JSON.stringify({
action: 'get_room_conf',
param: {
room: roomName,
async: false,
error: function(data){
$.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error');
success: function(data){
// Reset the list of email displayed, so first remove evry input field but the first one
// We keep it so we can clone it again
$.each(data.notif, function(index, obj){
// Now, remove the first one if the list is not empty
if (Object.keys(data.notif).length > 0){
// Update config switches
$('#lockedSet').bootstrapSwitch('state', data.locked == 'yes');
$('#askForNameSet').bootstrapSwitch('state', data.ask_for_name == 'yes');
$('#joinPassSet').bootstrapSwitch('state', data.join_auth == 'yes');
$('#ownerPassSet').bootstrapSwitch('state', data.owner_auth == 'yes');
$('#persistentSet').bootstrapSwitch('state', data.persistent == 'yes');
// Handle submiting the configuration form
$(document).on('click', '.btn-configure', function(){
roomName = $(this).data('room');
// Submitting the delete form
$(document).on('click', '.btn-remove', function(){
roomName = $(this).data('room');
// Get room list right after loading the page
// Delete room form
data: {
req: JSON.stringify({
action: 'delete_room',
param: {
room: roomName,
error: function(data){
$.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error');
success: function(data){
$.notify(data.msg, 'success');
// Update room list when searching
$('#searchRoom').on('input', function(){
var lastInput = +new Date;
if (lastInput + 500 < +new Date){
updateRoomList($('#searchRoom').val(), 0, itemPerPage);
}, 600);
// This is the main function called when you join a room
function initVroom(room) {
// This object will be used to record all
// the peers and their info. Init with our own info
var peers = {
local: {
screenShared: false,
micMuted: false,
videoPaused: false,
displayName: '',
color: chooseColor(),
role: 'participant',
hasVideo: true
var roomInfo;
var mainVid = false,
chatHistory = {},
chatIndex = 0,
maxVol = -100,
colorChanged = false;
$('#name_local').css('background-color', peers.local.color);
// Screen sharing is only suported on chrome desktop > 26
if ( !$.browser.webkit || $.browser.android || $.browser.versionNumber < 26 ) {
// If browser doesn't support webRTC or dataChannels
if (!webrtc.capabilities.support || !webrtc.capabilities.dataChannel){
// Return the number of peers in the room
function countPeers(){
var count = Object.keys(peers).length;
// Do not count ourself
// and do not count our local screen
if (peers.local.screenShared){
return count;
// Get our role and other room settings from the server
function getRoomInfo(){
data: {
req: JSON.stringify({
action: 'get_room_info',
param: {
room: roomName,
peer_id: peers.local.id
async: false,
error: function(data){
$.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error');
success: function(data){
// Notify others if our role changed
if (data.role != peers.local.role){
webrtc.sendToAll('role_change', {});
peers.local.role = data.role;
roomInfo = data;
// Enable owner reserved menu
if (data.role == 'owner'){
// Reset the list of email displayed, so first remove evry input field but the first one
// We keep it so we can clone it again
$.each(data.notif, function(index, obj){
// Now, remove the first one if the list is not empty
if (Object.keys(data.notif).length > 0){
// We're are not owner of the room
// Hide owner reserved elements
if (data.owner_auth == 'yes'){
// Update config switches
$('#lockedSet').bootstrapSwitch('state', data.locked == 'yes');
$('#askForNameSet').bootstrapSwitch('state', data.ask_for_name == 'yes');
$('#joinPassSet').bootstrapSwitch('state', data.join_auth == 'yes');
$('#ownerPassSet').bootstrapSwitch('state', data.owner_auth == 'yes');
// Get the role of a peer
function getPeerRole(id){
data: {
req: JSON.stringify({
action: 'get_peer_role',
param: {
room: roomName,
peer_id: id
error: function(data){
$.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error');
success: function(data){
if (peers[id]){
peers[id].role = data.role;
if (data.role == 'owner'){
// If this peer is a owner, we add the mark on its preview
$('#overlay_' + id).append($('<div></div>').attr('id', 'owner_' + id).addClass('owner hidden-xs'));
// And we disable owner's action for him
$('#ownerActions_' + id).remove();
$('#owner_' + id).remove();
// Put a video on the mainVideo div, called when you click on a video preview
function handlePreviewClick(el, id){
var wait = 1;
// There's already a main video, let's hide it
// and delay the new one so the fade out as time to complete
if ($('#mainVideo video').length > 0){
wait = 200;
// Play all preview
// the one in the mainVid was muted
$('#webRTCVideo video').each(function(){
if ($(this).get(0).volume == 0){
$(this).get(0).volume= .7;
// To prevent a freeze, change the src before removing the video from the DOM
// See https://bugzilla-dev.allizom.org/show_bug.cgi?id=937110
if ($.browser.mozilla && $('#mainVideo video').length > 0){
$($('#mainVideo video').get(0)).attr('src', $($('#mohPlayer').get(0)).attr('src'));
$('#mainVideo video').get(0).pause();
if (el.hasClass('selected')){
// Clone this new preview into the main div
$('#mainVideo').html(el.clone().dblclick(function() {
.bind('contextmenu', function(){
return false;
.css('max-height', maxHeight())
.removeClass('latencyUnknown latencyGood latencyMedium latencyWarn latencyPoor')
.attr('id', el.attr('id') + '_main')
mainVid = el.attr('id');
// Cut the volume the corresponding preview
// but only on screen > 768
// On smaller screens, the main video is hidden
if ($(window).width() > 768){
$('#webRTCVideo video').each(function(){
if ($(this).get(0).paused){
el.get(0).volume = 0;
$('#mainVideo video').get(0).volume = 1;
}, wait);
// Logout
function hangupCall(){
// Handle a new video (either another peer, or a screen
// including our own local screen
function addVideo(video,peer){
// The div continer of this new video
// will contain the video preview plus all other info like displayName, overlay and volume bar
var div = $('<div></div>').addClass('col-xs-3 col-sm-12 col-lg-6 previewContainer').append(video).appendTo('#webRTCVideo');
var id;
// Peer isn't defined ? it's our own local screen
if (!peer){
id = 'local';
$('<div></div>').addClass('displayName').attr('id', 'name_local_screen').appendTo(div);
// video id contains screen ? it's a peer sharing it's screen
else if (video.id.match(/screen/)){
id = peer.id + '_screen';
var peer_id = video.id.replace('_screen_incoming', '');
$('<div></div>').addClass('displayName').attr('id', 'name_' + peer_id + '_screen').appendTo(div);
// It's the webcam of a peer
// add the volume bar and the mute/pause overlay
id = peer.id;
// Create 4 divs which will contains the volume bar, the displayName, the muted/paused and
// the owner actions (overlay)
$('<div></div>').addClass('volumeBar').attr('id', 'volume_' + id).appendTo(div);
$('<div></div>').addClass('displayName').attr('id', 'name_' + id).appendTo(div);
$('<div></div>').attr('id', 'overlay_' + id).addClass('hidden-xs').appendTo(div);
// Will contains per peer action menu (mute/pause/kick), but will only be displayed
// on owners screen
$('<div></div>').addClass('ownerActions hidden-xs').attr('id', 'ownerActions_' + id).appendTo(div)
class: 'btn-group'
.append($('<button></button>', {
class: 'actionMute btn btn-default btn-sm',
id: 'actionMute_' + id,
click: function() { mutePeer(id) },
}).prop('title', locale.MUTE_PEER))
.append($('<button></button>', {
class: 'actionPause btn btn-default btn-sm',
id: 'actionPause_' + id,
click: function() { pausePeer(id) },
}).prop('title', locale.SUSPEND_PEER))
.append($('<button></button>', {
class: 'actionPromote btn btn-default btn-sm',
id: 'actionPromote_' + id,
click: function() { promotePeer(id) },
}).prop('title', locale.PROMOTE_PEER))
.append($('<button></button>', {
class: 'actionKick btn btn-default btn-sm',
id: 'actionKick_' + id,
click: function() { kickPeer(id) },
}).prop('title', locale.KICK_PEER)));
// Display the menu now if we're a owner, but add some delay
// as those actions won't work until all the channels are ready
setTimeout (function(){
if (peers.local.role == 'owner'){
$('#ownerActions_' + id).show(200);
$('#ownerActions_' + id).hide(200);
}, 3500);
// Choose a random color. If everything is OK
// this peer will send us its owne color in a few seconds
var color = chooseColor();
// Now store this new peer in our object
peers[peer.id] = {
displayName: peer.id,
color: color,
micMuted: false,
videoPaused: false,
hasVideo: true,
lastPong: +new Date,
dc: peer.getDataChannel('vroom'),
obj: peer
// Send our info to this peer (displayName/color)
// but wait a bit so the "vroom" dataChannel created earlier is fully setup (or have more chances to be)
// before we send
// displayName is private data, lets send it through dataChannel
if ($('#displayName').val() !== ''){
peer.sendDirectly('vroom','setDisplayName', $('#displayName').val());
// color can be sent through the signaling channel
peer.send('peer_color', {color: peers.local.color});
// if we don't have a video, just signal it to this peer
peer.send('media_info', {video: !!videoConstraints});
// We don't have chat history yet ? Lets ask to this new peer
if(!peers.local.hasHistory && chatIndex == 0){
peer.sendDirectly('vroom', 'getHistory', '');
// Get the role of this peer
}, 3000);
video.volume = .7;
// Stop moh, we're not alone anymore
$(div).attr('id', 'peer_' + id);
// Disable context menu on the video
$(video).bind('contextmenu', function(){
return false;
// And go full screen on double click
// TODO: also handle double tap
// Simple click put this preview in the mainVideo div
handlePreviewClick($(this), id);
// Now display the div
// Update volume of the corresponding peer
// Taken from SimpleWebRTC demo
function showVolume(el, volume) {
if (!el){
if (volume < -45){ // vary between -45 and -20
el.css('height', '0px');
else if (volume > -20){
el.css('height', '100%');
else {
el.css('height', Math.floor((volume + 100) * 100 / 25 - 220) + '%');
// Feedback for latency with this peer
function updatePeerLatency(id,time){
if (!peers[id]){
var cl = 'latencyPoor';
if (time < 60){
cl = 'latencyGood';
else if (time < 120){
cl = 'latencyMedium';
else if (time < 250){
cl = 'latencyWarn';
$('#' + id + '_video_incoming').removeClass('latencyUnknown latencyGood latencyMedium latencyWarn latencyPoor').addClass(cl);
// Add a new message to the chat history
function newChatMessage(from,message,time,color){
var cl = (from === 'local') ? 'chatMsgSelf':'chatMsgOthers';
// We need to check time format as it can be sent from another
// peer if we asked for its history. If it's not define or doesn't look
// correct, we'll get time locally
if (!time || !time.match(/^\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}$/)){
time = getTime();
// It's a message sent from a connected peer, we should have its info
if (peers[from] && peers[from].color){
var color = peers[from].color;
var displayName = peers[from].displayName;
// this peer might not be defined if we're importing chat history
// So just use the from as the displayName and the provided color
var color = (color && color.match(/#[\da-f]{6}/i)) ? color : chooseColor();
var displayName = from;
// Create the new msg
var newmsg = $('<div class="chatMsg ' + cl + '"><b>' + time + ' ' + stringEscape(displayName) + '</b><p>' + linkify(stringEscape(message)) + '</p></div>').css('background-color', color);
// Add it in the history
$('<div class="row chatMsgContainer"></div>').append(newmsg).appendTo('#chatHistory');
// Move the scroller down
// Record this message in the history object
// so we can send it to other peers asking for it
chatHistory[chatIndex] = {
time: time,
from: displayName,
color: color,
message: message
// Wipe the history
function wipeChatHistory(){
chatHistory = {};
chatIndex = 0;
// Update the displayName of the peer
// and its screen if any
function updateDisplayName(id){
// We might receive the screen before the peer itself
// so check if the object exists before using it, or fallback with empty values
var display = (peers[id] && peers[id].hasName) ? stringEscape(peers[id].displayName) : '';
var color = (peers[id] && peers[id].color) ? peers[id].color : chooseColor();
var screenName = (peers[id] && peers[id].hasName) ? sprintf(locale.SCREEN_s, stringEscape(peers[id].displayName)) : '';
$('#name_' + id).html(display).css('background-color', color);
$('#name_' + id + '_screen').html(screenName).css('background-color', color);
// Mute a peer
function mutePeer(id,globalAction){
if (peers[id] && peers[id].role != 'owner'){
if (!globalAction ||
(!peers[id].micMuted && globalAction == 'mute') ||
(peers[id].micMuted && globalAction == 'unmute')){
var msg = locale.YOU_HAVE_MUTED_s;
var who = (peers[id].hasName) ? peers[id].displayName : locale.A_PARTICIPANT;
if (peers[id].micMuted){
msg = locale.YOU_HAVE_UNMUTED_s
// notify everyone that we have muted this peer
webrtc.sendToAll('owner_toggle_mute', {peer: id});
$.notify(sprintf(msg, who), 'info');
// We cannot mute another owner
else if (!globalAction){
$.notify(locale.CANT_MUTE_OWNER, 'error');
// Pause a peer
function pausePeer(id,globalAction){
if (peers[id] && peers[id].role != 'owner'){
if (!globalAction ||
(!peers[id].videoPaused && globalAction == 'pause') ||
(peers[id].videoPaused && globalAction == 'resume')){
var msg = locale.YOU_HAVE_SUSPENDED_s;
var who = (peers[id].hasName) ? peers[id].displayName : locale.A_PARTICIPANT;
if (peers[id].videoPaused){
msg = locale.YOU_HAVE_RESUMED_s;
webrtc.sendToAll('owner_toggle_pause', {peer: id});
$.notify(sprintf(msg, who), 'info');
else if (!globalAction){
$.notify(locale.CANT_SUSPEND_OWNER, 'error');
// Promote a peer (he will be owner)
function promotePeer(id){
if (peers[id] && peers[id].role != 'owner'){
data: {
req: JSON.stringify({
action: 'promote_peer',
param: {
room: roomName,
peer_id: id
error: function(data) {
$.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error');
success: function(data) {
if (data.status == 'success' && data.msg){
webrtc.sendToAll('owner_promoted', {peer: id});
$.notify(data.msg, 'success');
else if (data.msg){
$.notify(data.msg, 'error');
suspendButton($('#actionPromote_' + id));
else if (peers[id]){
$.notify(locale.CANT_PROMOTE_OWNER, 'error');
// Kick a peer
function kickPeer(id){
if (peers[id] && peers[id].role != 'owner'){
webrtc.sendToAll('owner_kick', {peer: id});
// Wait a bit for the peer to leave, but end connection if it's still here
// after 2 seconds
if (peers[id]){
}, 2000);
var who = (peers[id].hasName) ? peers[id].displayName : locale.A_PARTICIPANT;
$.notify(sprintf(locale.YOU_HAVE_KICKED_s, who), 'info');
$.notify(locale.CANT_KICK_OWNER, 'error');
// Mute our mic
function muteMic(){
peers.local.micMuted = true;
showVolume($('#localVolume'), -45);
// Unmute
function unmuteMic(){
peers.local.micMuted = false;
// Suspend or webcam
function suspendCam(){
peers.local.videoPaused = true;
// Resume webcam
function resumeCam(){
peers.local.videoPaused = false;
// Check if MoH is needed
function checkMoh(){
if (countPeers() < 1){
if ($('#pauseMohButton').is(':checked')){
$('#mohPlayer').get(0).volume = .25;
$('#pauseMohButton').notify(locale.WAIT_WITH_MUSIC, 'info');
}, 3000);
// Load etherpad in its iFrame
function loadEtherpadIframe(){
host: etherpad.uri,
padId: etherpad.group + '$' + room,
showControls: true,
showLineNumbers: false,
height: maxHeight()-7 + 'px',
border: 2,
userColor: peers.local.color,
userName: peers.local.displayName
// Wipe data
function wipeRoomData(){
if (etherpad.enabled){
data: {
req: JSON.stringify({
action: 'wipe_data',
param: {
room: roomName
async: false,
error: function(data){
$.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error');
success: function(data){
if (data.status && data.status === 'success' && $('#etherpadContainer').html() != ''){
else if (data.status !== 'success' && data.msg){
$.notify(data.msg, 'error');
webrtc.sendToAll('wipe_data', {});
$.notify(locale.DATA_WIPED, 'info');
// An owner is muting/unmuting someone
webrtc.on('owner_toggle_mute', function(data){
// Ignore this if the remote peer isn't the owner of the room
// or if the peer receiving it is our local screen sharing
if (peers[data.id].role != 'owner' || data.roomType == 'screen'){
// We are the one being (un)muted, and we're not owner
// Be nice and obey
if (data.payload.peer && data.payload.peer == peers.local.id && peers.local.role != 'owner'){
var who = (peers[data.id].hasName) ? peers[data.id].displayName : locale.A_ROOM_ADMIN;
if (!peers.local.micMuted){
$('#muteMicLabel').addClass('btn-danger active');
$('#muteMicButton').prop('checked', true);
$.notify(sprintf(locale.s_IS_MUTING_YOU, who), 'info');
else {
$('#muteMicLabel').removeClass('btn-danger active');
$('#muteMicButton').prop('checked', false);
$.notify(sprintf(locale.s_IS_UNMUTING_YOU, who), 'info');
// It's another peer of the room
else if (data.payload.peer != peers.local.id && peers[data.payload.peer]){
var who = (peers[data.id].hasName) ? peers[data.id].displayName : locale.A_ROOM_ADMIN;
var target = (peers[data.payload.peer].hasName) ? peers[data.payload.peer].displayName : locale.A_PARTICIPANT;
if (peers[data.payload.peer].micMuted){
$.notify(sprintf(locale.s_IS_UNMUTING_s, who, target), 'info');
$.notify(sprintf(locale.s_IS_MUTING_s, who, target), 'info');
// An owner is pausing/resuming a webcam.
// More or less the same dance than mute/unmute. Both fonctions should be merged
webrtc.on('owner_toggle_pause', function(data){
if (peers[data.id].role != 'owner' || data.roomType == 'screen'){
if (data.payload.peer && data.payload.peer == peers.local.id && peers.local.role != 'owner'){
var who = (peers[data.id].hasName) ? peers[data.id].displayName : locale.A_ROOM_ADMIN;
if (!peers.local.videoPaused){
$('#suspendCamLabel').addClass('btn-danger active');
$('#suspendCamButton').prop('checked', true);
$.notify(sprintf(locale.s_IS_SUSPENDING_YOU, who), 'info');
$('#suspendCamLabel').removeClass('btn-danger active');
$('#suspendCamButton').prop('checked', false);
$.notify(sprintf(locale.s_IS_RESUMING_YOU, who), 'info');
else if (data.payload.peer != peers.local.id && peers[data.payload.peer]){
var who = (peers[data.id].hasName) ? peers[data.id].displayName : locale.A_ROOM_ADMIN;
var target = (peers[data.payload.peer].hasName) ? peers[data.payload.peer].displayName : locale.A_PARTICIPANT;
if (peers[data.payload.peer].videoPaused){
$.notify(sprintf(locale.s_IS_RESUMING_s, who, target), 'info');
$.notify(sprintf(locale.s_IS_SUSPENDING_s, who, target), 'info');
// Room config has been updated
webrtc.on('room_conf_updated', function(data){
var who = (peers[data.id].hasName) ? peers[data.id].displayName : locale.A_ROOM_ADMIN;
$.notify(sprintf(locale.s_CHANGED_ROOM_CONFIG, who), 'success');
// This peer indicates he has no webcam
webrtc.on('media_info', function(data){
if (!data.payload.video){
$('#overlay_' + data.id).append('<div id="noWebcam_' + data.id + '" class="noWebcam"></div>');
$('#actionPause_' + data.id).addClass('disabled');
peers[data.id].hasVideo = false;
// An owner has just promoted a participant of the room to the owner role
webrtc.on('owner_promoted', function(data){
if (peers[data.id].role != 'owner' || data.roomType == 'screen'){
if (data.payload.peer && data.payload.peer == peers.local.id && peers.local.role != 'owner'){
var who = (peers[data.id].hasName) ? peers[data.id].displayName : locale.A_ROOM_ADMIN;
if (peers.local.role == 'owner'){
$.notify(sprintf(locale.s_IS_PROMOTING_YOU, who), 'success');
else if (data.payload.peer != peers.local.id && peers[data.payload.peer]){
var who = (peers[data.id].hasName) ? peers[data.id].displayName : locale.A_ROOM_ADMIN;
var target = (peers[data.payload.peer].hasName) ? peers[data.payload.peer].displayName : locale.A_PARTICIPANT;
$.notify(sprintf(locale.s_IS_PROMOTING_s, who, target), 'info');
// An owner is kicking someone out of the room
webrtc.on('owner_kick', function(data){
if (peers[data.id].role != 'owner' || data.roomType == 'screen'){
if (data.payload.peer && data.payload.peer == peers.local.id && peers.local.role != 'owner'){
window.location.assign(rootUrl + 'kicked/' + roomName);
else if (data.payload.peer != peers.local.id && peers[data.payload.peer] && peers[data.payload.peer].role != 'owner'){
var who = (peers[data.id].hasName) ? peers[data.id].displayName : locale.A_ROOM_ADMIN;
var target = (peers[data.payload.peer].hasName) ? peers[data.payload.peer].displayName : locale.A_PARTICIPANT;
$.notify(sprintf(locale.s_IS_KICKING_s, who, target), 'info');
// Wait a bit for the peer to leave, but end connection if it's still here
// after 2 seconds
if (peers[data.payload.id]){
}, 2000);
// An owner is terminating the call, obey and leave the room now
webrtc.on('terminate_room', function(data){
if (peers[data.id].role != 'owner' || data.roomType == 'screen'){
window.location.assign(rootUrl + 'goodbye/' + roomName);
// Handle volume changes from our own mic
webrtc.on('volumeChange', function (volume, treshold){
// Record the highest level (used for the "no sound" detection)
if (volume > maxVol){
maxVol = volume;
// Do nothing if we're muted
if (peers.local.micMuted) {
showVolume($('#localVolume'), volume);
// Handle dataChannel messages (incoming)
webrtc.on('channelMessage', function (peer, label, data){
// Handle volume changes from remote peers
if (data.type == 'volume'){
showVolume($('#volume_' + peer.id), data.volume);
// We only want to act on data received from the vroom channel
if (label !== 'vroom'){
// Ping from the peer, lets just respond
else if (data.type == 'ping'){
peers[peer.id].obj.sendDirectly('vroom', 'pong', data.payload);
// Pong from the peer, lets compute reponse time
else if (data.type == 'pong'){
var diff = +new Date - parseInt(data.payload);
peers[peer.id].lastPong = +new Date;
// The peer sets a displayName, record this in our peers object
else if (data.type == 'setDisplayName'){
var name = data.payload;
// Ignore it if it's too long
if (name.length > 50){
peer.logger.log('Received displayName ' + stringEscape(name) + ' from peer ' + peer.id);
// Set display name under the video
peers[peer.id].displayName = name;
if (name !== ''){
peers[peer.id].hasName = true;
else {
peers[peer.id].hasName = false;
// This peer asked for our chat history, lets send him
else if (data.type == 'getHistory'){
peer.sendDirectly('vroom', 'chatHistory', JSON.stringify(chatHistory));
// This peer is sending its chat history (and we don't have it yet)
else if (data.type == 'chatHistory' && !peers.local.hasHistory){
peers.local.hasHistory = true;
var history = JSON.parse(data.payload);
for (var i = 0; i < Object.keys(history).length; i++){
// One peer just sent a text chat message
else if (data.type == 'textChat'){
// Notify if the chat menu is collapsed
if ($('#chatDropdown').hasClass('collapsed')){
// A peer is sending its color
webrtc.on('peer_color', function(data){
var color = data.payload.color;
if (!color.match(/#[\da-f]{6}/i)){
peers[data.id].color = color;
$('#name_' + data.id).css('background-color', color);
$('#name_' + data.id + '_screen').css('background-color', color);
// Update the displayName but only if it has been set (no need to display a cryptic peer ID)
if (peers[data.id].hasName){
// Received when a peer mute his mic, or pause the video
webrtc.on('mute', function(data){
// Muting
if (data.name === 'audio'){
// put the volume bar at the minimum
showVolume($('#volume_' + data.id), -46);
var div = 'mute_' + data.id,
cl = 'muted';
peers[data.id].micMuted = true;
$('#actionMute_' + data.id).addClass('btn-danger');
// Pausing webcam
else if (data.name === 'video'){
var div = 'pause_' + data.id,
cl = 'paused';
peers[data.id].videoPaused = true;
$('#actionPause_' + data.id).addClass('btn-danger');
$('#overlay_' + data.id).append('<div id="' + div + '" class="' + cl + '"></div>');
// Handle unmute/resume
webrtc.on('unmute', function(data){
if (data.name === 'audio'){
var el = '#mute_' + data.id;
peers[data.id].micMuted = false;
$('#actionMute_' + data.id).removeClass('btn-danger');
else if (data.name === 'video'){
var el = '#pause_' + data.id;
peers[data.id].videoPaused = false;
$('#actionPause_' + data.id).removeClass('btn-danger');
// This peer claims he changed its role (usually from participant to owner)
// Lets check this
webrtc.on('role_change', function(data){
if (data.roomType == 'screen'){
// An owner has wiped data
webrtc.on('wipe_data', function(data){
if (data.roomType == 'screen' || peers[data.id].role != 'owner'){
if (etherpad.enabled){
data: {
req: JSON.stringify({
action: 'get_pad_session',
param: {
room: roomName
error: function(data) {
$.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error');
success: function(data) {
if (data.status == 'success'){
if (data.msg){
$.notify(data.msg, 'success');
else if (data.msg){
$.notify(data.msg, 'error');
var who = (peers[data.id].hasName) ? peers[data.id].displayName : locale.A_ROOM_ADMIN;
$.notify(sprintf(locale.ROOM_DATA_WIPED_BY_s, stringEscape(who)), 'info');
// Handle the readyToCall event: join the room
// Or prompt for a name first
webrtc.once('readyToCall', function () {
peers.local.id = webrtc.connection.socket.sessionid;
if (roomInfo.ask_for_name && roomInfo.ask_for_name == 'yes'){
// When we joined the room
webrtc.on('joinedRoom', function(){
// Check if sound is detected and warn if it hasn't
if (window.webkitAudioContext || window.AudioContext){
setTimeout(function (){
if (maxVol < -80){
$.notify(locale.NO_SOUND_DETECTED, {
className: 'error',
autoHide: false
}, 10000);
// Notify the server a new participant has joined (ourself)
// If we were prompted for our display name before joining
// we send it. Not that I like sending this kind of data to the server
// but it's needed for email notifications
data: {
req: JSON.stringify({
action: 'join',
param: {
room: roomName,
name: (peers.local.hasName) ? peers.local.displayName : ''
error: function(data) {
$.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error');
success: function(data) {
if (data.status == 'success' && data.msg){
$.notify(data.msg, 'success');
else if (data.msg){
$.notify(data.msg, 'error');
$('#timeCounterXs,#timeCounter').tinyTimer({ from: new Date });
// Handle new video stream added: someone joined the room
webrtc.on('videoAdded', function(video,peer){
// We share our screen
webrtc.on('localScreenAdded', function(video){
// error opening the webcam or mic stream
webrtc.on('localMediaError', function(){
// Handle video stream removed: someone leaved the room
webrtc.on('videoRemoved', function(video,peer){
var id = (peer) ? peer.id : 'local';
// Is the screen sharing of a peer being removed ?
if (video.id.match(/_screen_/)){
id = id + '_screen';
// Or the peer itself
else if (peer && peers[peer.id] && id != 'local'){
delete peers[peer.id];
$("#peer_" + id).hide(300);
// Remove the div, but wait for the fade out to complete
$("#peer_" + id).remove();
}, 300);
if (mainVid == id + '_video_incoming' || mainVid == id + '_incoming' || mainVid == id + 'Screen'){
if ($.browser.mozilla && $('#mainVideo video').length > 0){
$($('#mainVideo video').get(0)).attr('src', $($('#mohPlayer').get(0)).attr('src'));
$('#mainVideo video').get(0).pause();
}, 500);
mainVid = false;
if (id != 'local'){
// Detect connection lost
webrtc.connection.socket.on('disconnect', function(){
}, 2000);
// Handle Email Invitation
$('#inviteEmail').submit(function(event) {
var rcpt = $('#recipient').val();
message = $('#message').val();
// Simple email address verification
// not fullproof, but email validation is a real nightmare
if (!rcpt.match(/\S+@\S+\.\S+/)){
$.notify(locale.ERROR_MAIL_INVALID, 'error');
data: {
req: JSON.stringify({
action: 'invite_email',
param: {
rcpt: rcpt,
message: message,
room: roomName
error: function(data) {
$.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error');
success: function(data) {
if (data.status == 'success'){
$.notify(data.msg, 'success');
$.notify(data.msg, 'error');
// Set your DisplayName
$('#displayName').on('input', function(){
var name = $('#displayName').val();
if (name.length > 50){
$('#displayName').notify(locale.DISPLAY_NAME_TOO_LONG, 'error');
// Enable chat input when you set your disaplay name
if (name != '' && $('#chatBox').attr('disabled')){
peers.local.hasName = true;
// And disable it again if you remove your display name
else if (name == ''){
$('#chatBox').attr('disabled', true).attr('placeholder', locale.SET_YOUR_NAME_TO_CHAT);
peers.local.hasName = false;
peers.local.displayName = name;
webrtc.sendDirectlyToAll('vroom', 'setDisplayName', name);
lastNameChange = +new Date;
// Should we reload etherpad iFrame with this new name ?
if (etherpad.enabled){
// Wait ~3 sec and reload etherpad
if (lastNameChange && lastNameChange + 3000 < +new Date && $('#etherpadContainer').html() != ''){
}, 3100);
// This is the displayName input before joining the room
$('#displayNamePre').on('input', function() {
var name = $('#displayNamePre').val();
if (name.length > 0 && name.length < 50){
if (name.length < 1){
$('#displayNamePre').notify(locale.DISPLAY_NAME_REQUIRED, 'error');
$('#displayNamePre').notify(locale.DISPLAY_NAME_TOO_LONG, 'error');
var name = $('#displayNamePre').val();
if (name.length > 0 && name.length < 50){
peers.local.hasName = true;
peers.local.displayName = name;
// ScreenSharing
$('#shareScreenButton').change(function() {
var action = ($(this).is(":checked")) ? 'share':'unshare';
function cantShare(err){
$.notify(err, 'error');
if (!peers.local.screenShared && action === 'share'){
// An error occured while sharing our screen
if (err.name == 'EXTENSION_UNAVAILABLE'){
var ver = 34;
if ($.browser.linux){
ver = 35;
if ($.browser.webkit && $.browser.versionNumber >= ver){
// This error usually means you have denied access (old flag way)
// or you cancelled screen sharing (new extension way)
else if (err.name == 'PERMISSION_DENIED' || err.name == 'PermissionDeniedError'){
// Screen sharing worked, warn that everyone can see it
peers.local.screenShared = true;
$.notify(locale.EVERYONE_CAN_SEE_YOUR_SCREEN, 'info');
peers.local.screenShared = false;
$.notify(locale.SCREEN_UNSHARED, 'info');
// Handle microphone mute/unmute
$('#muteMicButton').change(function() {
var action = ($(this).is(':checked')) ? 'mute':'unmute';
if (action === 'mute'){
$.notify(locale.MIC_MUTED, 'info');
$.notify(locale.MIC_UNMUTED, 'info');
// Disable suspend webcam button if no webcam
if (!videoConstraints){
$('#suspendCamButton').attr('disabled', true);
// Suspend the webcam
$('#suspendCamButton').change(function() {
var action = ($(this).is(':checked')) ? 'pause':'resume';
if (action === 'pause'){
$.notify(locale.CAM_SUSPENDED, 'info');
$.notify(locale.CAM_RESUMED, 'info');
// Handle auth to become room owner
$('#authPass').on('input', function() {
if ($('#authPass').val() == ''){
$('#ownerAuthForm').submit(function(event) {
var pass = $('#ownerAuthPass').val();
data: {
req: JSON.stringify({
action: 'authenticate',
param: {
password: pass,
room: roomName
error: function(data) {
$.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error');
success: function(data) {
if (data.status == 'success'){
$.notify(data.msg, 'success');
$.notify(data.msg, 'error');
// The configuration formed has been submited successfuly
// Lets announce it to the other peers
$('#configureRoomForm').on('room_conf_updated', function(){
// Choose another color. Useful if two peers have the same
peers.local.color = chooseColor();
// Reload etherpadiFrame if required
if (etherpad.enabled){
webrtc.sendToAll('peer_color', {color: peers.local.color});
var d = new Date;
downloadContent('VROOM Tchat (' + room + ') ' + d.toLocaleString() + '.html', $('#chatHistory').html());
// Suspend/Play MoH
if ($(this).is(":checked")){
// Handle hangup/close window
if (!$('#muteMicButton').is(':checked')){
if (!$('#suspendCamButton').is(':checked')){
// Remove the active class on the logout button if
// the modal is closed
if (!$('#muteMicButton').is(':checked')){
if (!$('#suspendCamButton').is(':checked')){
$('#confirmQuitButton').click(function() {
window.location.assign(rootUrl + 'goodbye/' + roomName);
window.onunload = window.onbeforeunload = hangupCall;
// Go fullscreen on double click
// And put it in the main div on simple click
handlePreviewClick($(this), 'self');
// On click, remove the red label on the button
// and reset the unread msg counter
$('#chatDropdown').click(function (){
// The input is a textarea, trigger a submit
// when the user hit enter, unless shift is pressed
$('#chatForm').keypress(function(e) {
if (e.which == 13 && !e.shiftKey){
// Do not add \n
// Fix height in Firefox
if ($.browser.mozilla){
$('#saveChat,#sendChat').css('height', '47px');
// Adapt the chat input (textarea) size
$('#chatBox').on('input', function(){
var h = parseInt($(this).css('height'));
var mh = parseInt($(this).css('max-height'));
// Scrollbar, we need to add a row
if ($(this).prop('scrollHeight') > $(this).prop('clientHeight') && h < mh){
// Do a loop so that we can adapt to copy/pastes of several lines
// But do not add more than 10 rows at a time
for (var i = 0; $(this).prop('scrollHeight') > $(this).prop('clientHeight') && h < mh && i<10; i++){
$(this).prop('rows', $(this).prop('rows')+1);
// Check if we have empty lines in our textarea
// If we do, remove one row
// TODO: we should only check for the last row and don't remove a row if we have empty lines in the middle
lines = $('#chatBox').val().split(/\r?\n/);
for(var i=0; i<lines.length && $(this).prop('rows')>1; i++) {
var val = lines[i].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, '');
if (val.length == 0){
$(this).prop('rows', $(this).prop('rows')-1);
// In any case, adapt height of the buttons
$('#saveChat,#sendChat').css('height', $(this).css('height'));
// Chat: send to other peers
$('#chatForm').submit(function (e){
if ($('#chatBox').val()){
webrtc.sendDirectlyToAll('vroom', 'textChat', $('#chatBox').val());
// Local echo of our own message
// reset the input box
$('#chatBox').val('').prop('rows', 1);
$('#saveChat,#sendChat').css('height', $('#chatBox').css('height'));
// Remove the active class on the help button
// Display the wipe data modal
// Really wipe data
// Display terminate room modal
// Really terminate the room now
// Ask all the peers to quit now
webrtc.sendToAll('terminate_room', {});
data: {
req: JSON.stringify({
action: 'delete_room',
param: {
room: roomName
async: false,
error: function(data) {
$.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error');
success: function(data) {
if (data.status == 'success' && data.msg && data.msg != ''){
$.notify(data.msg, 'info');
window.location.assign(rootUrl + 'goodbye/' + roomName);
if (etherpad.enabled){
var action = ($(this).is(':checked')) ? 'show':'hide';
if (action == 'show'){
// If not already loaded, load etherpad in the iFrame
if ($('#etherpadContainer').html() == ''){
// Ping the room every minutes
// Used to detect inactive rooms
data: {
req: JSON.stringify({
action: 'ping',
param: {
room: roomName
error: function(data) {
$.notify(locale.ERROR_OCCURRED, 'error');
success: function(data) {
if (data.status === 'success' && data.msg && data.msg != ''){
$.notify(data.msg, {
className: 'info',
autoHide: false
}, 60000);
// Ping all the peers every 5 sec to measure latency
// Do this through dataChannel
$.each(peers, function(id){
// No response from last ping ? mark latency as poor
if (parseInt(peers[id].lastPong)+5000 > +new Date){
$('#' + id + '_video_incoming').removeClass('latencyUnknown latencyGood latencyMedium latencyWarn').addClass('latencyPoor');
webrtc.sendDirectlyToAll('vroom', 'ping', +new Date);
}, 5000);
window.onresize = function (){
$('#webRTCVideo').css('max-height', maxHeight());
$('#mainVideo>video').css('max-height', maxHeight());
$('#etherpadContainer').css('max-height', maxHeight());
// Preview heigh is limited to the windows heigh, minus the navbar, minus 25px
$('#webRTCVideo').css('max-height', maxHeight());
$('#etherpadContainer').css('max-height', maxHeight());