VROOM (short for <strong>V</strong>ideo <strong>ROOM</strong>) is a simple to use, web-based and opensource (MIT licence) video conferencing application.
It's based on several other softwares, most notably the excellent <a href="http://simplewebrtc.com/" target="_blank">SimpleWebRTC</a> lib.
VROOM uses the latest WebRTC technologies to allow video conferencing through a web browser without any plugin.
There are several more or less similar hosted solutions available (like
<a href="https://vline.com/" target="_blank">vLine.com</a> for example).
Most of them are more polished than VROOM, but I've found none entirely opensource, so I started this project.
VROOM implements the following features:
<li>Video/audio conversations (no limit on the number of peers)</li>
<li>Text chat (and you can save history)</li>
<li>Screen sharing</li>
<li>Email invitations</li>
<li>Email notification when someone joins one of your rooms</li>
<li>Persistent/reserved rooms</li>
<li>Chairman functionnalities (mute/pause/kick other peers)</li>
<li>Grant chairman role to other peers</li>
<li>Password protected rooms (different passwords for access and chairman)</li>
<li>Music on hold (when you're alone in a room)</li>
<li>Can be optionaly integrated with <a href="https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite" target="_blank">Etherpad-Lite</a></li>
VROOM is translated in French and English. You're welcome to submit patches or pull requests to enhance localization, or add new ones.
Install your own VROOM instance
The following guide will help you installing VROOM on your own server
If you want to run your own server, you'll need the following components
<li><a href="http://mojolicio.us" target="_blank">Mojolicious</a> 5 or better</li>
<li>A MySQL compatible server (MySQL or MariaDB)</li>
<li>A webserver supporting HTTPS and reverse proxying, including websocket reverse proxying (Apache can do this with mod_proxy_ws)</li>
<li>The following perl modules
It's also advised to run VROOM on a systemd powered distribution (simply because that's what I use and I include service units for VROOM). For the same reason, I recommend running Apache as webserver (others like Nginx probably work too, but I provide configuration sample only for Apache)
While VROOM should run on any distro, it's only tested on CentOS 7 x86_64, so it's the recommended platform.
Also, I provide packages for all dependencies in my repository, so it'll be much easier to install it this way.
If you have it running on another system, please send me your notes so I can update this documentation.
Install on CentOS 7 x86_64
<p class="alert alert-info">
This guide assumes that you have installed a minimal CentOS 7 x86_64 system